Anyone else doing Doman with a newborn?

My daughter is 2 weeks old tomorrow and we’re doing Doman things from How Smart Is Your Baby. Anyone else doing this and we can compare notes?

We are!! We are!!

Our little guy is 5 weeks old today and we’re doing How Smart is Your Baby with him.

What exactly are you doing? I do not have that particular book. I follow “how to teach your baby to be physically superb” and I hope to start math after few months. But I do it in a rather relaxed way :smiley:

5 weeks.

Texaslady, are you the one from the Doman Inspired Parenting blog? I’m Rachel, who has commented to you a couple times with questions. I’m doing How Smart Is Your Baby too, and my daughter is 2 weeks old. It’s great knowing other people who are doing it! I like to look at what you’ve done and see if there’s stuff I’m forgetting about! Mostly we just put her on her tummy all day on her mat or crawling track with black and white pictures and checkerboards around her, so far.

My second son is 3 month old now. From birth we’ve been doing a lot of tummy time on a mat, hanging on my two thumbs, flashlight in the dark bathroom, black and white images are in a lot of places in his bedroom. Also I tell him something and wait for his reply- he loves this!!! Right now I give him things to smell (oranges, lemon, coffee). Also from birth he’s been swiming in a out big bathtub,- I support only his head. Lots of object touching and music introduction!!!

Laralin, I’m mostly doing tummy time, inclined crawling track, black and white things to look at all the time, and I try to rememgber to do grasp reflex stuff. Oh and some of the moving through space exercises, I’ve done rocking chair and carrying her around in my hand- the easy ones!

So, what do you think you see in your baby, 3 months down the line, that is a result of doing these things? I’m really interested to see what difference it makes, especially the tummy time and crawling track!

I can say that my first son (who I also did the track with) was crawling on hands and knees at 4.5 months whereas the average in the United States is around 7 months (and not crawling at all is common, too).

What is “flashlight in the dark bathroom”? How are you doing that?

I started infant stimulation cards just few days ago and I my child likes it. Our tummy time is in the bed only - because the floor is too cold (it is winter here). We started also swimming (but stopped due to my sickness) and we do grasp reflex.

I was very entusiastic when I red “How to teach your baby to be physically superb” but now I have some daubt. I am believer of natural parenting and attachment parenting. At newborn age, my children like to lie on my body and not on open floor. Maybe other children are different :slight_smile:

You stimulate vision by causing the eyes to dialate and contract.

We go in a completely dark closet and turn the lights on and off. I have a little song I sing while I do it. Remember–the more stimulation, the faster a child can progress. The lights on and off causes his pupils to dilate and contract and helps his vision.

We do this 10x/day.

Hi Plarka and all!
My baby (turned 4 month on the 15th) is able to crawl a little bit (I keep my palms by his feet), like he does 4 pushes forward!!! Also is able to support his own weight by holding onto my two thumbs. It really amazes me.


Glenn Doman has a baby flash card set where you can show them flashcards. Did you get that?

I did that to my 2nd boy while he was a baby. I like the different expression flash cards. My elder boy loves that too.

He also have the crawler mat which encourages babies to crawl.

Initial, we also have doubts. However, at such a tender age, we can only input to the child and believe in the system. I do think that all that we’re doing will stimulate the brain and thus aids in the brain development. However, you need to be diligent and keep doing it. My thinking is even if we don’t see the result immediately, I believe the child might have stored it somewhere in their brain that will aid in their learning in future.

Glenn Doman focus on right brain learning. The right brain activation is between the age of 0 to 3. Thus, giving them a good start will help in their development in future, even if you don’t see immediate results. Have faith and have fun!

Happy parenthood!


texaslady22 , thank you for the description of eye stimulation!

And thank you all for this discussion.

As I currently have backache, I use dark blanket instead of dark room :):slight_smile:

Now I will tell you about my doubt.

With my first child (I did not know Doman), I installed string with toys above her bed, since she was 1 month old. I used toys with both soft and hard surface, and her little fingers were busy all the time. I think it was very good for sensory stimulation and fine motor skills. As a result, she had “tweezer’s grasp” at 6 months and she was early speaker. In many ways, her fingers were very well developed.

Now I put my child on his belly, and I have feeling that something is not enough. I can not occupy his fingers. He can not grasp toys while he is on his belly.

I am sure that the first months are very important for the manual competence. For our cousin, his parents did not allow to touch variuos surfaces and things; he was allowed to touch only the officially acepted baby toys (usually made of hard plastic). Now he is almost 2 years old and can get and touch anything he wants. But his hand is still very unskilful and he does not speak at all. So, the first months were crucial.

So I want to occupy his fingers but this does not go together with “tummy time”. And he is awake for such a short time.

Hi to all !

I started right from birth showing our baby black dot cards as suggested in Doman’s book related to Teaching Math. At the beginning my family was quite skeptical and the baby was not paying too much attention, but after some days he started to enjoy and focus in the cards.
Now he is 4 and a half months old and I have already moved to the red dot cards. It is much harder to get his attention because he is moving all the time.
I tried the crawling track, but it was really hard and did not work. The baby slept most of the time and when he was awake he was mainly eating. Therefore, when I put him in the crwling track he started to cry or to split out the milk he had just eaten…

Did any of you build a crawling track?
Can you buy this without breaking the bank?


Also how long do you place your baby on her tummy?, mine starts crying the instant I place it on her tummy. I talk to her and rub her back but she looks so miserable while in tummy time that is hard for me to do this activity.

She loves flash cards and she actually pays attention. I sometimes describes what is in the flash card or sing to her, and she seems very content.

Regarding feeling toys with different textures, she seems to have her hands most of the time closed, how okd do they need to be for this activity?


First of all can I ask what is ‘how smart is your baby’ thing? My son is quite old now, but may be for the new one it is good to know:)
I agree that starting early matters a lot. My son is 22 months old now and he can drow an almost perfect circles and put eyes , mouth and nose in it:) Is it normal or good i couldn’t decide.
Anyway thanks for these eary age tips. May be we can open a new topic about new born activities…
All the best…

“How Smart Is Your Baby” is a book written by Glenn Doman that outlines a program for newborns that covers physical, motor, vision, hearing, tactile, etc. brain development. I followed it, in my own adapted way, with my daughter when she was a newborn. I found that the number of times that various activities were recommended was not feasible for me since sleeping and feeding took most of the time.

Thanks for the explanation:) As I said, I will definitely think about it, if I have a second child:))

To the person wanting to know how to make a crawling track cheaply, we used camping mats cut up to size to go over the wood, and didn’t use vinyl on top of it. I read that vinyl is made of PVC, which is toxic, so didn’t want to use it. It makes the whole thing way cheaper too.

Hello to all, I have a baby of three months, and am now reading the book.
I’m thinking a little tricky the proposed exercised, perhaps because I’m still afraid to hurt her!
She is very attentive, we play a lot, sing songs, took a bath together in the bathtub, next month she begins to make swimming, and I a few days early to show the cards because I’m finishing to make, would like to receive tips on how to start the exercise with her.
Oh she does not like to stay on their stomachs every time they tried to leave her on the bed to crawl she cries, I even holding his head, what can I do??