Anyone else doing Doman with a newborn?

My first child was “tummysleeper” - she slept on her tummy only, since birth. But I did not put her on tummy while she was awake. so she started to crawl at 8 months and walk at 14 months.

Now I put my son (7 weeks) on tummy just after eating. I put him on a dense towel, he “makes the air” (I do not know English word for it), looks around and tries to crawl. He is already rather strong and keeps his head up. If he cries I stop.

she seems to have her hands most of the time closed, how okd do they need to be for this activity?

My first child had the same, and we had massage and special gymnastics. You can also try massage. To massage fingers like you are milking. Up to 50 times. But very gently. Search youtube for baby massage, newborn massage, infant massage, baby facial massage. I do something like massage. But I do it very softly; for us it is just another way of caress.

Thank you!

How long do you leave your child on tummy time? mine really hates tummy time! :wacko:

So glad to run across this post… My daughter is going on 10 weeks MOnday. We have been placing her on tummy since birth but she still hates it. Good to hear other moms have the same experience. I too am trying to figure out the whole thing between tummytime - attachement parenting - her desire to be swaddled an on her back to sleep, etc.

Also have questions on the manual program. She seldom will hold on to my thumbs - only about 2 times - all the other times she protests and opens her hands. Which I think the book said was important that their brain had to develop enough to learn to let go. How are other moms doing the manual program and has anyone run across the letting go and how do you encourage them to hold on.

Also the balance activities - I’ve slowed down a lot but she gets fussy with them too.

She basically is a content baby who eats and sleeps mostly. She seems to get fussy over the Doman exercises. I know Doman emphasizes joyousness - so not sure if I need to let her fuss on her tummy so she learns to like it - or if I should pick her up because she doesn’t like it and is clearly protesting?

I have had good success with the infant stimulation cards here on Brillkids. I’m wanting to start Doman Math as soon as she is 3 months.

Anyone with similar experiences or have comments on the physical program?

Thank you all again. Somehow I do not have much questions but I learn very much from your experience.

My both children slept on tummy since birth - because so they can sleep better. While sleeping on back, they often move their hands and wake up themselves. So I advice to put babies on tummy to sleep, at least after they fall asleep. It is considered to be safe. Douglas Doman in his lecture told us that it never ends with SIDS, but continuous lieing on back can cause autism (pressure → skull deformation → brain damage).

My boy (7 weeks) is laying on tummy for most of the day but mainly he is sleeping or watching. He is “fighting” just few (1-5) minutes after each meal. I think, there is no need to stress if the child does not like to be on tummy. Last weeks, I am thinking much about it. I am sure that late crawlers are as happy as early crawlers or even happier.

Attachment. Often my child is laying on me. On my body, on his tummy. I do not know if it is a proper tummy activity but it is nice. Sometimes he is sleeping for hours while I read books, watch TV or talk with my first child.

I do not do balance program because I always forget.

Also have questions on the manual program. She seldom will hold on to my thumbs - only about 2 times - all the other times she protests and opens her hands. Which I think the book said was important that their brain had to develop enough to learn to let go.

This I did not fully understand from the book. Why it is so important? What happens if the brain learns this thing few days earlier than other children? Does it give any advantage compared to “natural” children? What follows if this skill is learned “not only by accident”?

My baby is the same!! She’s 4 weeks old. I keep wondering if I should be worried, and keep meaning to post on here about it! I thought it might mean she doesn’t have a good grasp, but it sounds like probably your baby and mine just don’t like things stuck into their hands! That’s how my baby kind of acts sometimes, she pulls her hand away. She never ever has held on tight enough for me to pick her up and have her hang from my fingers.

You know my family has a trait for nurse-maid elbow where the elbow will dislocate when too much pressure is placed on it. I was sort of hesitant to do the manual program but also thought it might help build up those muscles. Maybe since she lets go - maybe it’s her way of saying it hurts? But I’d still like her to do the grasping even if it is without bearing weight. I’m not sure…