Anybody doing the encyclopedic knowledege program?

I show 8 sets of cards with 3 cards from each set, 3 times a day.

Ok, I see! Thanks again for working here with me and all my detailed questions :biggrin:

One last thing. Could you give me the name of the flash cards to see if I can find them? Thanks!

As I said above, they were exclusive to target so you can’t buy them anywhere else. And I threw the boxes away a long time ago.

I was looking at target’s website and they have a lot of flash cards that you can order online, so that is why I was asking. Thanks anyways!

Give me a link, and I will look to see if they are the same, but I doubt it. This was a special thing they had in the dollar bins. They don’t normally sell them.

This is where I was looking:

Thanks for checking!

Nope, those are not them. They were $1 each!

That is too bad. Thanks!


I also purchased the flash cards that nhockaday has. I purchased them last summer, but I just saw them again at my local Target this weekend and they had workbooks that went with them as well. I also own several of the flash cards in the link you provided. We own picture words, more picture words, action words and the color and shapes. These are basically like printing LR flashcards. They have the word on one side and the word with a picture on the other.

You’re saying that they have more of the flash cards with facts on the back up in the dollar bins?

Yes, but unfortunately for us, they are the ones we already own.

So they’re the same ones as last year?

Yes, the same ones. Animals, US Animals, Presidents, States, Dinosaurs and a couple others.

Well, that’s good for Joha. I might go and see if there are any I missed, but I am pretty sure I got them all. They also things for had a lot of other good things for learning.
So, Joha, go to Target and look at the front of the store in the dollar bins. I had to go to 3 different Targets to get all of them, but if they have recently put them out, then you may be able to get them all at once. Let me know one you get them, and I will explain how I use them in more detail.

Thank you so much Greyballine! This is great! Karma to you :wink: There is not a target where I live, but I’m going to Denver these weekend and I’mgoing to make sure I find them.


I’'l let you know if I find them so you can guide me a bit with them.

Thanks again to both!

Take a checklist of the ones I got last year so you know if you are getting them all. presidents, world animals, us animals, insects, space, landmarks, states, dinosaurs.

Could you give me an estimate of the size of the flash cards? My mom is going to help me to find them. Since I’m going to Denver until the weekend, I don’t want to risk them to be gone. My mom wants to have an idea of what she os looking for.

Thanks for the list. I’ll le you know if my mom finds some different.

They’re like index card size. As soon as you walk into any Target you will see the dollar bins. They will be in there. Every Target gets the same stuff to put in the bins.

Ok, thank you!