Anybody doing the encyclopedic knowledege program?

Hello HeyBlue41!

Kindly check your email to make sure that you were able to receive the optimized category file I sent you. :slight_smile: I think you may be able to upload them to our File Downloads area now!



Could someone post a link on more about this method?

It is a program of the Doman method. You would have to buy his book or just read more about it here on the forums. But here is a link to his website.

Unfortunately Iā€™ve had computer problems so havent been able to use the Little reader much, or upload anything, but when I finally do, I would have page with word, page with picture to match word, for a few words (zoology is my thing), then at the back Iā€™d write facts to go with each word, so people can utilise them for teaching encyclopaedic knowledge. Iā€™m not going to ensure everything has 10 magnitudes of informationā€¦ that seems hard to do, trying to do a magnitude at a timeā€¦ Iā€™ll just add what I can thatā€™s factual and people can do what they want with it. Iā€™d find it difficult to limit buby to one fact at a time!!! (Iā€™d find that constricting).

Okay, I have the file and have imported it into my little reader, but I am having problems getting it to play like I want. I want it to play the audio file I select, not just a random selection.
How can I get my files to be smaller like you did? Otherwise how will we be able to share files like this?

Right now you canā€™t specify which audio file will play. However, it does not play the audio files RANDOMLY, but in the order they are listed in the Edit Word dialog, where you can also change the order.

I suppose we could make it such that you could change the order of which files will be played through the preview display screen on the bottom right of the Word Library screen, where you have the left and right arrows. Right now, using those arrows will just let you see the rest of the media files attached to the word. What if it would let you use those left and right buttons to move to select the media file that is to be played? This would also go well with an upcoming feature we will have, which is to allow you to just play that selected word instead of the whole Category.

How does that sound?

Yes I think that would work.
Now, how do I decrease the size of my files like lappy did for me?

I was thinkingā€¦what is the purpose of encyclopedic knowledge? Is it just to give our kids as much info as possible when their minds CAN absorb it all? If so then we choose what to focus on and which topics to tackle, right? Why encyclopedic specifically?

Theyā€™ll be able to win big money on ā€œwho wants to be a millionaireā€ or ā€œsale of the centuryā€ or other quiz shows. Theyā€™ll be able to astound their friends at trivial pursuit! No, really, seeing as their minds are so absorbent, why not put info in there. They wont be clogged up with heaps of facts swimming around. it will just be in there, dormant until needed. Itā€™s not like if they have too much facts it falls out the other side of their brain to make room for new stuffā€¦ the brain just absorbs and absorbs and we probably wont use even 10 % of their grey matter but weā€™ll be helping to make neurons grow and interconnect more with each fact they learn, and make the brain work better and more efficiently.

It will also help them in school when theyā€™re learning various subjects. Like right now Iā€™m teaching Gabriel about states (geography), insects (science), presidents (social studies, history or government), U.S. and world animals (science), space (science), landmarks (social studies or geography, maybe even history), and dinosaurs (science, maybe history). When he learns about thiese in school, he will already know some important things. Learning will be easier.
I read something somewhere about a grown-up whoā€™s mother did encyclopedic knowledge when he was young. He found himself remembering all kinds of facts that he didnā€™t remember ever learning.

I have a book case full of old and relatively new school text books for geography, history, science etc that I picked up cheaply at op-shops (secondhand shops) and garage sales. Good for kids to use at school for projects/assignments, but also good for encyclopaedic knowledge info.
I also collect old national geographic and australian geographic magazinesā€¦ great pictures and maps.


Did you do all the 10 magnitudes with Gabriel? Could you tell me a little bit about how you followed the program and if you used LR for it? :unsure:


I found a bunch of flash cards with facts already on the back of them. I have been using those according to Domanā€™s rules. I have downloaded some of the EK-like LR files, but I just show them like normal.

Where did you find the ones with the facts? So have you been doing the magnitudes?

I bought them at Target last year. I have 8 sets. Yes, I do the program along Domanā€™s lines. I believe we are in the 7th magnitude, as Doman would call it.

Iā€™m sorry to bother you so much, but I just want to make sure I understand :blush: So you show your son 5 categories with 10 BITS 15 times. When you are done with those 15 times, so you start with 5 new categories or do you stat with the second magnitude? :unsure: Do I make sense? :huh:

Do you know if they still sell those cards at Target? If they do, what are the sets called there?

Thanks for all your help!

No. I show 8 sets of cards 3 times a day. I retire one card from every category every day. When I am done going through all the cards (there are many 30-50), I start again, but with a new fact from every card. They do not have those cards at Target anymore. It was a special thing they had last summer.

How many cards does each set have? Could you give me the name of the cards to see if I can find them somewhere else? Thanks again!

they each have about 36-50. they were made by target, so no one else sells them.

Iā€™m sorry I didnā€™t explain myself well. I meant, how many cards does each set has of the sets you show your son? You said you show 8 sets 3 times a day.