Anybody doing the encyclopedic knowledege program?

I totally love Target’s dollar bins. I just bought Dirk a puzzle of baby parts. This sounds morbid, but its not. :wink:

nhockaday, Are the cards you found similar to the Dinosaur flash cards and U.S. Presidents flash cards in this link?

Joha, Maybe these could help you if you cannot find anything at Target.


No, they don’t look like that.

Ok, I found all of the them :yes: (Ok, my mom did!) There were actually in only one Target out of three. I also found some of the work books that go along with them plus some “smartmats”. We got some phonics fash cards,rhyming, same or dffeent,shapes and colos, sight words, alphabet and numbers. They have a lot of great teaching materials. I think I got suff for more than a coupe of years, but you can’t bit the price! :nowink: Thanks again for the recommendation. :slight_smile:


Could you tell me how have you been using these flash cards? How many cards per set do you show? How many sets a day? Do you go throught all the card first doing the first magnitude and then start all over for the next magnitude? Or do you do all the magnitudes of certain sets first?

Thanks in advance for your help!

Did you get the ones for encyclopedic knowledge? I went to one of my local Targets, and they didn’t have any out yet. I will probably go to another one this week. I will pm you with the details later, Joha.

Yes, I did. They have all the info in the back. We love them! My husband is going through the materials as we speak. The Target that we foun them at is a fairly new Target. One didn;’ have any and the other one had just a couple of things.

I’ll look for your PM. Thanks!

Had you gotten the workboos that come with the FC?

No, I never saw any workbooks. What are they like? I will have to look when I go to another Target this week. The Target I went to looked like they might be putting new stuff out soon b/c the stuff that was out looked pretty picked through. I did get a lot of the mats and basic flash cards like you said. Last year they also had some nice lift-a-flap board books and puzzles too.

Yes, we got The United States of America and Wonders of the World lip flops. Very nice! There was also a alphabet bingo, a math bingo and two phonics FC sets.

The workbooks have exercises and games for when they are older like unscamble letters,croswordpuzles, word search, etc. However, they also have stuff like coloring, match the description and thingslike that. I was asking you becuase my husband found a typo mistake in the President’s wrkbook, but the FC has the right information. The “smartmats” re very goo too because they can write on them and then erase the answers.

Thanks everyone for their suggestions, I went to Target and got 2 flashcard sets: landmarks and animlas and some smartmats etc. I hope to find the rest in the series this coming week as i will go some other targets as well. It was so great As I had just started with worldlandmarks on LR with her and now I have these cards too.

I’m not understanding why everyone has them at their Targets and I don’t? I’m hoping that they have just not put them out yet. Did they have a lot of stuff left in the bins or did it looked picked through?

Thanks for this tip, I love the prices!!!
I went to my closest target and I only found 3 sets of flashcards, landmarks, presidents and states. Nothing else.

Thanks again.

We went to several Targets. The one that had most of the stuff and wasn’t to picked through was a new Target that wasn’t open alst year. The other ones did look kind of empty. However, I found the same sets that you already have for EK ( I also found two sets of phonics, opposites and words) . Now the smartmats and the workbooks are nice for the future in my case. I’m not sure if you have any of those.

@ nhockaday: It took me 3 trips to 2 different targets to get 6 flashcards sets which also include ABC and Shapes and colors. I still am looking for Presidents a,Space and states. I spoke with the lady there and she asid that usually this target stocks up the dollar stuff on Wednesdays, So i will be going there again. BUt everything looked picked at and infact I wanted 2 sets of each but found only one set. Try again and if possible ask them when they restock so you can buy the cards.

I found the fc that were listed and some workbooks. I also found some phonics one like Phonics I, Phonics II, Sight Words. I found some some dry erase lap boards with lines on one side and blank on the other too. So cool.

I was wondering if someone could describe the “smartmats” more so I know what I’m looking for. They may have been out since it looked like half of the bins were empty here. I have second target about 40 min away so I have to wait til I go in town next week to check.

& Thanks to the person who mentioned these. I never go to Target as it’s out of the way but I’m glad I got these cards. :biggrin:

@Jekayda the smartmats are plastic placemats with a dry erase pen in it. They are called smartmats just because they have information like different types of insects/solar system/dinosaurs etc on them.

Thanks. I thought that was it, but wasn’t sure.

Hey guys!
I was just wondering if we can make a list of all the things and other parents can share then together we can do all the
encyclopedic knowledge together. What I mean is that we make a list and beside each list we write down who will be doing it .Then together with all the brains combined we can come up with everything and it won’t even take so much of our time but we will have everything.
we can cover lots of subjects like:
Geography island
bay, lake, desert, gul delta,volcano, glacier etc
in vertebrates
plant king dom
Botnay :
different flowers and then we can highlite different parts of them to show patels, stamens, pistil, sepal,corolla etc with different flowers
we can do the same with leaves show blade , margin, apex, base, primary vein, secondary veins,petiole, auxiliary,bud ,stem etc
we can show the details so they can see the details.
samething goes for inventors
show vocabulary cards such as bolted and run so they can see it is the same thing but there is another way to say it.
Basically what I am saying that together we can achieve alot and it will not cost so much and we can have everything.
have the great composers in music and we can record their famous music so it will be pleasent to remember for the kids this way they will remember what kind of music they play as well as their name and picture.
I will make the list and every one is welcome to add their thoughts regarding it.
please let me know .

Hi Ayana,
check this out:

review and add more topics for EK

hope this helps

we had a collaboration group going this winter but it kinda fell apart. It would be great if we could get it going again!