after baby birth... diet tips needed!

I’m having baby 5 in 10 weeks, and need to lose quite a bit of weight afterwards. Anyone with baby weightloss experience to share? I cant breastfeed so the weight likes to stay on… I find it hard to lose weight. Low carb diets give me no energy, low fat ones make me grumpy… I’m too busy with kids to go to the gym but I do have a treadmill.

As I wont be breastfeeding (no breastmilk), does anyone have experience with any diet pills… Xenical, reductil etc?? If there is an effective weightloss pill, I want to take it.

My mum has taken reductil and lost weight. It is not PBS subsidised though so you will have to pay full price for it and you may be able to claim it back through your private health fund (if you have private health)

Walking is good and probably the best way to start losing weight as it is gentle on you. You will need to keep your heart rate working at about 60-80% of your total heart rate to start losing weight.

I know you stated that low carb diets make you feel like you have no energy. It is important to remember that if you cut too many carbs out you will feel very low in energy and you need to strike the right balance. To help reduce weight cut your carbs in the evening and have a nice big salad and chicken for tea and you can use a little olive oil to dress the salad. The chicken will help give you that full feeling and so will the salad. Have your carbs through out the day but make sure they a low GI so they release energy more slowly during the day to keep your energy levels up.

ALWAYS EAT BREAKFAST never ever skip this meal this will kick start your metabolism for the day the longer you leave it to eat the breakfast the more likely your body is to store fat because your body thinks you are starving it and holds on to fat for survival.

Eat 6 small snack size meals a day if you can, I know that this has been almost an impossibilty for me since SOphia has been born but if you can manage it I highly recommend doing that helps the metabolism keep going.

Do cardio in the morning before breakfast (helps burn more fat) and then give yourself a nice breakfast.

Most importantly start adding resistance exercises to your work out routine ie you can do lunges while holding new bubs in your arms, you could teach Azaria to count while you do some ab exercises by getting her to count to 20 for your sit ups include your kids as much as possible in your work out because you are teaching them to be healthy to.

The older you get the more important resistance/weight training becomes for women. For every kilo of muscle you build you will burn an extra 500 calories a day. It also helps to burn fat, gives your body shape and tone ( don’t worry women can not build muscle like men you wont become huge) It is also very good for preventing Osteoporosis because strong muscle helps you to have strong bones. Muscle is also heavier than fat but smaller giving your body a great shape and tone.

Here a few ideas I hope this helps.

Thanks for that. No, no private health cover… not too necessary here in Oz. I’m thinking about trying some of the shakes for 2 main meals, but there are so many to choose from…Mornings are so busy I do forget breakfast, trying to get everyone off to school etc.

it really needs alot of time b4 u lose pregnancy wieght>but cheer up there is a diet that can be useful for u (zone diet) by dr sears its nice u can eat fat .protein and carboh…
u can even be on the zone diet while u pregnant or breastfeeding…
for u concern about reductile or xenical>i used reductile and didnt lose any thing i sufferd from contispation and dry mouth!!
so try the zone diet like many actor and actress like J.Aniston

what i did, was I wear a belly support but it is the kind of support that’s goes thru your back, it is like a non sleeves shirt…something like that. That really help me and put my body back on place.

I would suggest in addition to cardio training 3 times a week for at least 20 minutes getting your heart rate as high as possible to sustain the 20 mins after a 5 min warm up (if you’re able to get a stationery bike/treadmill/rower) you should add resistance training on alternate days - you don’t necessarily need to purchase weights, if you’re just starting out you can fill bottles with water or grains (eg 1L bottle with water = 1kg).

The News limited Sunday papers had a series on resistance trainining to lose weight recently in the pull out section ?body and soul/life. Alternatively you could go to your library and check out the fitness section. In the past when I did resistance training, I found it easier to do exercises which recruited lots of groups of muscles eg. march presses, lunges etc. It will also help you with your baby - the stronger you are the easier it’ll be to lift etc.

You’ll fnd you have more energy too and the endorphins give a great buzz afterwards.

Good luck!!

thanks everyone. Somehow I have to fit in looking after myself along with looking after 5 kids. I tend to put myself last, but it’s not great for my self esteem. I think I’ll need a spreadsheet to try to manage my time better…I swear there are not enough hours in the day, and not enough at night either.

Yes I can see that it becomes particularly tricky to manage if most of the time is spent on managing the kids.
Here in India, we get regular help from mother/in-laws, so the baby’s mother gets a couple of hours for herself once the baby is 3-months old.

Dietwise, I think you may do well to increase your quota of fruits(apple, pomegranate, figs) and green leafy vegetables and at the same time gradually reduce carbs proportionately. Such a diet will not only help keep weight under check, it is good for the baby in the womb.

Of course, you may end-up eating more often. But it wont add to your calories.

I envy you people who live in societies where extended family help with children. I experienced that in Vanuatu growing up, but here in Australia many people just dont think that way. My own mother doesnt understand why I should expect her to spend time with her grandkids!!! So I gave up on her altogether… If she wont associate with my children, she’s no mother of mine. I find the biggest support I receive is daycare. Though yesterday I had a miracle… bub’s dad actually took her out and left me home to my own devices. but of course I had to do some housework, didnt I! Why couldnt I go out and he stay home and do housework? Why is it that mothers have most of the load?? He’s into fitness…he goes bushwalking and rockclimbing, but I cant exactly go along and take bubs. I can even use a jogger pram and go jogging, as they cause shaken baby syndrome and brain damage.
I might try the lemon detox diet for the first 10 days, then go into some other diet method.

Hi nikita
I hope this will help u.Have u heard about Yoga(i hope u heard) it really helps in weight loss n weight management.There is one more section in Yoga called “Pranayama” i.e breathing technique.u donot need to spend hrs together just 30 min per day will be of a great benefit.But one thing either you have learn it from an experienced teacher or from DVDs.All the best.

When my baby cries I take it as an opportunity to walk around the house. I will even do modified lunges and squats with my baby and it helps put him to sleep. To work my arms I lift him up over my head a lot or from side to side using my abs. I make up stuff as I go along just thinking of the muscle groups I’m trying to get to contract and using my baby as an extra weight. A common lunch for me has become a baby spinach salad with flaxseed oil and balsamic vinegar. In the begining I lost a lot of weight because I got constipated from my c-section and went on an all liquid diet. I’ve ben considering looking into kidney, colon and liver cleanses too. Has anyone tried the Acia berry pill? I’ve been looking into it a little and am wondering if it has worked for them.

I have read in a health magazine that it is a scam, just like all the other diet pills.

just drink lots of water!!!

I can only drink water if it’s frozen then partially defrosted to be watery icy slush.
Has anyone tried the lemon detox diet? 10 days to flush out system. Angelina Jolie uses it.
I’m worried that I’ll have to give up my caffeine drinks, to detox my system and cut calories (have to have them full of milk) but I’ve tried before and it makes me very tired… how will I get energy to cope with 5 kids without caffeine? Any thing else work as a good substitute?

Along with lots of water try unrefined carbs - whole wheat, brown rice, etc. More filling/healthier and less weight accumulating. Refined starches/sugar absorb fast and add weight. :slight_smile: Durum pasta is also Ok as it takes time to digest and keeps you full longer.

Try a banana for breakfast if you don’t have time for a normal one.

Skip snacks or stick to fruit. Limit fruit juice, it’s just extra sugar.

All the best, will pray for your delivery. :wink:

Vanuatu sounds like a far-out place, I looked it up after your other post.

Thanks for that! Vanuatu is statistically the Happiest place on earth according to studies. But I remember a place with no child protection, no animal welfare, and domestic violence was acceptable. People would stand around and watch. In fact I saw a show on Crime Investigation Australia about Tanjas Van der Plaat …you should look her story up. Her parents were friends of my parents. Let’s hope things have changed.

hello there,

I don’t really have the tips for this. But, since my post-pregnancy my weight had been lower than pre-pregnancy. My weight right now is 50kg as 53kg before this…it hardly can go up than that nowadays. I think it is because the constant BF the daughter and doing the house chores. After the pregnancy also, my mom told me to wear the tight trouser, but it from the stomach to your tight ( you can get it from the primark or other superstores like M&S) and need to be wear that from the 1st day after the pregnancy until the 40th day…and it really work in making your body slim back.

But don’t forget to eat healthily after the post preganancy which means no sugar drink, tea or coffea just plain water and eat a lot of fish…and seafood to bring back your blood to the normal one.

I looked it up though now I wish I didn’t… :ohmy:
Happy weight-losing :slight_smile:


Congrats on all those babies! I have 6 myself. I love being pregnant and having babies. I feel like I know my purpose in life at those times. It is so clear.

Anyway, as far as losing weight. How much do you need to lose? I can offer you tips and suggestions. I was thin growing up and struggled with my wight after high school for several years. I know the battle. Guess what? I won. Now after having six children I weigh less than I did in high school. I would like my tummy to be more toned, but having babies ruins that. Anyway, let me know what you want to accomplish. I know what works and I know what is healthy. Diet shakes, pills or any other quick fixes are just a recipe for disaster.