after baby birth... diet tips needed!

I’m not sure how much I need to lose until after the birth, and still got 6 weeks to go so could yet stack it on in the meantime. And I havent weighed myself in ages. Seem to lose about 5 kgs in first day or 2 after birth, but that’s it. And as I am unable to breastfeed the weight doesnt shift. But I’d say there’s a few stone to lose, as I havent lost the baby weight from the last one, and just prior to getting pregnant I put on a stone. Just got one of those fat accumulating metabolisms. Prior to that I was nearly slim. In Australia the perfect size is a 10. So I was a 12 on a good day. After last bub, I was a 14 on a good day, like Fergie the royal in her early royal days. I accept that I wont ever be a 10 unless I get a case of anorexia, but I’d like to be a 12.

KristaG, I’m Nikita not Nikolett, though currently we have the same number of kids, though I’m about to beat her!! If you’re who I think you are, I’ve read your blog. How do you manage with six? I’m wondering if I’ve got it in me to have a 6th. I’ll see how I go with number 5. Just that number 4 has been so difficult lately. You just dont know what you’re going to get in terms of character/personality and health.

Dearest, congratulations on your upcoming addition! I’m actually not far behind, my #5 is due in three months & I really know what it’s like to try to fight those pounds off.
Since you still have 6 weeks to go, I’d recommend start NOW.
#1 EXERCISE! - don’t over-exhaust yourself & consult your doctor that you’re ok, but don’t let a day pass without taking a (as vigorous as you only can at this stage :smiley: , & i do know the feeling) walk, or doing a video work out, with lots of stretching, pelvic tilts, & squatting. Besides burning extra calories, it strengthens & prepares you for the birth. I personally have experienced the GREAT difference it makes. I have coached through pregnancies & assisted many births & I can vouch on the difference exercise make for the birth & recovery. I don’t know your older kids’ ages, but have them take you on a walk daily, you get to bond & they get you moving (mine surely do :biggrin: )
#2 Watch what you eat. Nicolett said it - NO white sugar, flour or processed foods! Actually at the very end, like you are now, you really should cut down on all the starch you can, but whatever you eat, let it ONLY be WHOLE grain.
I’ve done a lot of research & the notion that during pregnancy you should fall for every craving you have is very wrong. Control yourself now, you will make it easier for yourself after. Count that you get your protein, fill up on veggies, when you feel like something sweet - eat fruit. Drink tons of water & you shouldn’t really gain anything extra during this last bit. You will have lots more energy for the birth too. Naturally i really have a tendency to gaiin weight, i’m speaking from very personal experiences & from the many women i assisted & coached.
I’ll try to post some “after” tips later take care

Unfortunately I have learned that my body cant do movements that will impact on my pelvis, as I get the different pelvic pains from too much relazin hormone. I walked a lot with number 1, and got the rubbing bones at the front, and moved furniture and dug holes to plant trees with number 2, where I learned about 3 different types of hip pain. Number 3 I didnt do much except run after the first 2 kids, but lots of pain (I limp badly from shooting pains going up, down and inwards). NUmber 4 I squatted too much and lifted heavy paving at 4 months, and was in agony ever since til the birth. This pregnancy I havent been silly, and havent had much pain. (Until recently). But I have learned… during pregnancy I must NOT exercise, must not sit on the floor or hard chairs, and must not lift heavy objects (hard when I have to carry bub to bed) or move furniture using my legs. Not using this as an excuse to be lazy…


Sorry I confused you with Nikolett. That was easy enough to do. :slight_smile: Yes, you must have read my blog

Funny thing, I never felt done having babies until I had 6. I always wondered if I would know, and it seems that 6 is the right number for me. I could easily be persuaded to have more, but my hubby is content with 6, and when you have more than that, you need special vehicles and all to get around. It makes life a bit more complicated.

As for your diet tips, I can give you a bunch, but I don’t want to overwhelm you. I know you would like a magic pill to make it all better, but there is none. It takes perseverance and lots of getting back up after you fall down. When I was struggling with my weight, my brother-in-law, who is a former professional bodybuilder, got me well on my way. I lost about 30 pounds, but it didn’t happen overnight. The good thing is that I eat pretty much anything now, and I don’t gain weight. I do prefer to eat well, because that is what makes me feel better. I am also a personal trainer, although I am not practicing right now. One of my clients is a big girl, and she lost 60 pounds. I moved away, so I don’t know how she is doing anymore, but…here are three tips for now. Once you master these, I will gladly give you more.

  1. Eat often, up to 6 mini meals a day. A meal should be the size of your hands cupped together. You should opt for good choices, but if you crave junk food, only eat that much, a handful and then wait until your next meal to eat again. Never think of any food as off limits, it just sets you up for failure. Actually you should schedule in a treat meal, once a week. Your meals should be 3 hours apart. By spacing the meals out, but eating frequently, you get your metabolism working more efficiently.
  2. Drink at least 64 ounces of water a day. This washes the fat and toxins out of your body. It is like an internal bath.
  3. Drink warm beverages when you feel hungry. They are soothing and make you feel satisfied so you don’t snack on junk.

Here is a question for you, and I am sure you know the answer. Why do you think you are overweight? If you can answer that, you will be on your way to solving your problem. It is not too early to start you healthy eating program NOW, before you have the baby. If you start now, it will help you to shed those pounds after the baby comes. Pregnancy is no excuse to pig out. You should eat better and be more conscious of what you are eating so you supply good nutrition to your baby.

I was overweight because I wanted to lose about 5 pounds and I kept telling myself that I would start a diet TOMORROW! Every day I ate like it was my last meal. I would start okay in the morning but something would provoke me and I would blow it, but I would blow it big time. I used to not know what I wanted to eat and stand in front of the refrigerator with a fork and taste everything. I ate so much some days that I couldn’t move. I would lie on my back like a beached whale, wishing I could puke, because I was so full. The good news is that I changed and you can too. You might not be the way I was, but I definitely had a problem. Today, and for the last 11 years, I eat when I am hungry. I don’t enjoy eating for the sake of it, unless it is snacking at nighttime. :slight_smile: I eat until I am satisfied. I hate to be full. It is uncomfortable. I do not tell myself that there are forbidden foods.

I hope this helps. I love to encourage people because we are all capable of greatness. You can do it girl! And by the way, how do you know that at best you can be a 10?

I go for walks every day.

The only way to lose weight is to eat less and spend more energy. This is really hard to do for new moms. Especially me who had c-section. What I suggest is you try slilmfast. You can purchase this in any grocery store. This will make you eat less while you still feel full and energized. I lost a bit :biggrin: . Good luck!

This is very general thing that every women gets weight after child birth. If you want to lose weight after birth then do yoga and avoid fried food. Yoga is very effective for a lady who gives a birth to child recently. Yoga is injury less exercise. You can take green tea also.

Hi there,

I joined a program called the mutu system, designed for busy busy moms,

its great, makes you feel really good, and takes only a few mins a day

check it out

hope it helps!

After giving birth 14 months ago I am only recently found the time to start exercising again. I felt like I have been out of a regular regime for so long it was hard to start up again. I started going for walks and running but felt this wasn’t rigerous enough. I have found an excellent gym memebership here for ladies living in Ireland . Highly recommnded!!

:biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin:

Here are some tips of diet after child birth. Here I can share my own experiences. A common lunch for me has become a baby spinach salad with flaxseed oil and balsamic vinegar. In the beginning I lost a lot of weight because I got constipated from my c-section and went on an all liquid diet. I’ve been considering looking into kidney, colon and liver cleanses too.

The best diet tip ever: breastfeeding! It helped me tremendously to lose all the baby weight in 2 months, and also:

  • Eating healthy / avoiding junk food of course.
  • Having a nice selection of herbal teas (make sure there is no caffeine if you breastfeed) to drink instead of sugary stuff.