Addicted to books

My daughter is 25 months old, she always since she was a baby is being interested in books,loves them!! BUT lately she is waking up at 2am,3am,5am asking for books…and she won’t go back to sleep until we read her books or explain her that is night time and we need to sleep. (really unusual because she always sleep tru the hole night ,maybe wakes up once for milk), Also she just doesn’t let me do anything at all, if I am cleaning up she is pulling my pants saying BOOKS,if we are eating she doesn’t want to eat and says BOOKS,we again try to explain her is eating time, but gets really upset if we don’t read to her, she wakes up saying BOOkS every morning, she used to say mommy first but now she says BOOks.
I don’t think she wants my attention because she has it, I am a full time mom, I always read to her, same thing her dad, we are reading to her more than ever latetly , we read to her more than 20 books a day, somedays maybe 50.
Yesterday she didn’t nap so I though she will go to sleep earlier but NO, she was asking to read her more books and more books and she didn’t go to sleep until really late again.

Don’t misunderstand me, I love the fact my daughter likes books(because I am a reader freak too)but I feel this is a little bit too much, last night we were talking with my husband about this, he says she has became an addicted reader. Yesterday after dinner we were picking up the table, my daughter always helps but this time she was in her bedroom reading books and calling for us to handle her more books because she just didn’t want to get down from her chair and get more.

AT nights we read books to her in the rocking chair she has in her bedroom and the only way to make her going in her crib is keep reading her books on her crib once she is laying down otherways she will totally refuse going to sleep.Once we leave her bedroom she keeps crying for more books…
I am sure this is only a stage, it will pass, we all go back to our routines but let me tell you I don’t know how many times I hEAR the word BOOks A DAY.
I will like to know if any of you is experincing any of this with your children?

My goodness! That’s wonderful, but I can understand how it would too much too! I wish I could offer you some advise.

I don’t like to refuse reading to her because I don’t want she to lost the interest in books but I can’t keep reading to her in the middle of the night. Even when she goes to sleep after we do the reading night routine, once we leave her bedroom she keeps crying for more books and makes me feel bad.

Now that is one kid I would love to introduce to my son, cos hes in this copying stage and he’s copying other kids who are into toys and lost interest in books!

I wish I have advice, the only thing I get on my mind is make her read after you are done with reading so usually kids will easily tire. You can tell her you’ve done your reading for her and now its her turn to read for you…

I also do that too, I read to her then I tell her read to mommy please, so she will read to me and then when she is done, she will say now is mommy’s turn!! and sometimes she will tell me No I don’t want to have a turn ,I want mommy to read me. :wub:

I am sorry but I can just imagine this and couldnt help but laugh it all out cos i have a son who smart talk me like tht all the time and it always break me up in laughter!!!
lets wait and see for someone’s reply…

Just wondering: what type of reader is she? Does she participate by naming what she sees, tries to turn the pages, just quietly listens?
Does she pick the books (favorites?) or any book would do?

The first thing I thought when I read your message is that she might be having a linguistic boom and needs to learn new words and discover new concepts. Did you notice she has a lot more vocabulary for example? Just a suggestion.

Yes she does participate naming what she sees in the books,she actually reads books,(you know, we do LR ,YBCR,DOMAN FLASHCARDS,PHONICS) She has a very good number of reading vocabulary, She can read most of the books she has. She turns the pages since she is 12 months old, not only cardboard books, she can turn pages of any kind of book easily.We also read the bible and turn the pages without missing a page otherways she will do it again correctly.
Also she is very receptive when we are reading to her she can sit and listen the hole book patiently. Also she picks up books when is bed time, the rest of the day she asks for me or dad bringing her books to her(so spoiled) and she has no problem reading whatever we bring her.
Also a bath time she is requesting to be read more and more books,the only way to take her out of the tub is telling her I will keep reading to her once she is all dress…and of course I do. she points the words and says it loud. Also sometimes whenever she doesn’t know the words of the book(maybe a new book)she pretends reading it.

It makes sense what you just said because whenever she doesn’t know the word she points at it ands says this?this?Something I should think about.Thanks for your input.

I hope you have a great library near by… otherwise if you have to buy all those books, you might be able to open one soon :slight_smile:
I’ve just settled into a home and the first thing i did was to register at the local library. They have a great kids’ book selection (my daughter likes the magazines for children they have, as there are different types of stories/drawings in one magazine), unfortunately you can only borrow 3 at a time…

PY, in what language do you read to her?

are you serious? three at the time?Oh my goodness,sorry to hear that, Our library is very flexible about that, you can rent as many books as you want.But I don’t know about magazines. We go to our local library every weekend, we just went yesterday and I brought 25 books home, 10 in spanish and the rest in english. My husband told me after checked out “you are crazy” I told him you are lucky I didn’t rent more ,the basquet is so full I varely can carry it. Besides I rent books for myself too.
We also go to the second hand local store to buy books, there are tons of really good books there as well, we try to go twice a month there, each book is $0.60 cents. We buy at least 10 books sometimes are so many good books I have to buy more than that!! You can find the same books as bookstores offer.As soon as we are parking the car my daughter points at the second hand store saying books, books…

Answering your question, we read in english and spanish to her.

Well, I don’t have your problem but I did have a little boy who wouldn’t sleep at night so I made him a book. It’s called “Daytime is for…” I found photos of my son doing different daytime activities and dug up several different pictures of him sleeping (babies are so cute when they’re all snuggled up in bed!). It went like this : Daytime is for eating (picture). Nighttime is for sleeping (picture). Daytime is for playing (picture). Nighttime is for sleeping(picture). etc. We read this every night for weeks. It helped us when he’d fuss in his crib - we’d just go in and say “nighttime is for sleeping”. He eventually started saying this, too!

I was thinking that you could make one up called “Our Day” and use your own photos. For example: “Eating time is for eating. Walking time is for walking. Playing time is for playing. Sleeping time is for sleeping. etc.” And of course, “Reading time is for reading.” You could read this book to her at every “reading time” you have. You might want to set a timer, too. I’d still have several official reading times in your schedule - after all, we have several eating times, don’t we? But this may help her to expand her interests in other areas as well but not completely quench her love for books!

Another thought I had was to separate her book stash into groupings. I take out 30 books at a time from my library and put them into 3 different bags. Each day I bring out a new bag and put the old ones back. …so he doesn’t have access to them all at one time. Yes, we read some of them over and over in one day, but it does encourage him to do other things too. (We also have a standing box of about 20 books out all the time but he rarely goes into that.)

My daughter is 31 months and also loves books. She will ask me to read 100 books a day if I let her. But I have another baby and a house to keep clean so sometimes I can’t. I try to read a book everytime she asks. But at night she wants me to read an endless amount. Lol. I just have to firmly tell her no, and it is time for bed. She also has waken in the middle of the night and wants me to read to her. It’s just a phase. I’m sure she will always love to read. But at this age the rely on us for everything. Dakota has a light in her room that is bright enough to read by but not so bright it keeps her awake. I let her read to herself til she falls asleep if she wants. GL, and congrats on that smart little cookie you have : )

thank you guys, my little toddler keep me up until 1am last night, this times asking for LR :mellow:
And she woke up at 7am, she jumped off the bed saying LR…LR…LR…She woudn’t stop crying for it until we had to came to the computer and do some LR.
I am tired…I need a nap!! :blush:

Hi I am new to this forum and to LR but can really relate to this post…

My 21 month old daugther regularly wakes up in the middle of the night to make us read to her…she wants to know what the names of things are and it is like she is so exicited she cannot sleep! Her childminder (who also loves books like me and my daughter) jokingly says that taking her to the libranry is like taking any other child to a candy store!

Anyway, I have also used baby eintein with her since she was young - but we only started putting baby einstein on TV for her about 3 months ago and she now used to ask for this as she loved to learn the names of the animals or the shapes etc. I was not sure if it was a good idea to get her addicted to a TV programme so this prompted me getting LR which she seems just as excited about - but I am not sure how to get her to sleep! It seems to come in bursts but it is very exhausting especially as both my husband and I work full time! It does seem to come in bursts but I am not sure what triggers them other than perhaps a new discovery for her??

In any case it is comforting to know that there are others who have the same experience…i may try the tip of creating a day book idea…anything is worth trying!

I went in today to check another 3 books :frowning: I asked the clerk if there could be a exception for children and i was told the books needed to be shared equally with all the borrowers…

It is funny I was just saying that to my husband, when we go to the library is better than a candy store for my daughter ,she gets so excited!!!It is such a hard time leaving the place…she just doesn’t want to leave the library.

oh Hypatia… I feel bad about that! I can’t believe your town public library just let you borrow three books at the time.Maybe you should find out if they can organize a book collecting day, and maybe one child in every school in your town should donate a book to the library to be able to increase the amount of books. I don’t know is just an idea…
Also find out if your library has day book sale. In our public library we have sales , you can find anykind of books very affordable.


I feel your pain. :mad: My library in Belize only lets us check out 4 books at a time. That is just horrible. Here in FLorida we can check out 100 per card member at a time. I usually have about 50 books in the house at any given time. I love the library. I asked the librarian in Belize to make an exception for me. I requested 10 at a time and she came up to 6. It is better than nothing but then you almost need to go everyday.

I know.
It’s a beautiful lirary with wooden floors and people take their shoes off. The kids’ area is furnished with kids sized furniture, mats to sit on etc…
My daughter loves the furniture more than the books. I’ll try and meet the director of the library next time I go there and discuss the fact that they have tons and tons of children’s books.
I go every other day.

E loves reading but she dnt need me all the times. some nights she also try not to sleep but continue reading that she take some books finish them and go for other books. then i take some more books and tell her that after reading this books lights would turn off and E should get ready to sleep.

she will follow that