Addicted to books

My son’s the same! He loves the book shop more than the toy store. We can usually get good behaviour out of him by promising him a trip to the bookshop but not so for the toy shop…

Unfortunately, we don’t have much in the way of libraries here, so we have to make do with the bookshop. Since he was very little, I’ve taught him to respect books so he treats them well and always puts them back on the shelves after he’s done looking through them. We’ve got tonnes of books at home but he still loves going to the bookshop.

wow!! thats wonderful PY

My son loves to read, but not like that.Some times I have to read same story again and again. May be five or six times continously

He dosent want to stop reading. mostly we read in the morning and afternoon. Very rarely at night.

I think Kizudo has it right! like everything with babies, if they love it they’ll want to it all the time… but waking up at 1,2,3 AM for readings (not feedings)? That’s too much. So, it absolutely makes sense to schedule reading. Surely, this won’t dampen her love for it.

I also wonder if she’s getting enough exercise? Toddler tend to be very busy, no? And they need their sleep. Waking up at 1,2,3 AM for any reason except physical pains seems unlikely if she’s getting plenty of fresh air and exersice.

Just a thought. Good luck. And I too would like for your child to meet mine. But not at 1AM!

What a great “problem” to have!

Seriously, it sounds like she’s going to be a lifelong reader, but as to being totally obsessive about it, that sounds like a phase. It’s like my little boy and legos. If I take down the lego drawers, it’s all legos all the time. If I put them up, then he’ll actually go do other things, and ask for legos only once a day or so. :wink: I guess some people, including little kids, are more obsessive than others.

Obsessive personality, my son has one of those too. Finally I have to tell him certain toys or books,etc are tired and we need to try a new one. LOL then he askes me after if his item is ready to wake up LOL

Hey, PY,

How’s your little book-aholic? Have you tried any of the suggestions offered? How did they work out for you?

Hi Kizudo, Thanks for asking.
Well it is being a long process to make her understand that evrything has a time…Lately when she wakes up at nights asking for books I tell her is night night time…not reading time…now she wakes up and she asks for milk saying “milk time…NO BOOK TIME MOMMY”. so cute!!
The rest of the day she goes to her bedroom and reads her books on her own whenever I am busy…she is going back to her routine…but of course whenever I don’t read to her in book time routine she will became very upset.
She had playdates yesterday…she left them in the toyroom and went to her bedroom to read for 20 minutes and after she was done she came back with some books for her friends but they were having so much fun playing with her toys that they didn’t want to read with her so Catalina sit in the floor and keep reading by hemself.
Anyways I have to say that she is understanding better that mommy has stuff to do and she needs to have fun om her own also.(in this case read her books in her bedroom while mommy is busy). At least now she knows that we don’t read when is sleeping time.
Thanks to all for your ideas and support dealing with my BIG"PROBLEM". :wink:

Thats so cute. I wish you could send some of that addiction my way to my little guy lol


I know it’s frustrating to you and, at the same time, it’s so hard for us to understand because most of our little ones don’t share the same passion. I do wish that my son would be more interested in books and your problem seems almost appealing…yet, I know things are always different when it IS your problem, as this reading issue is yours. I hope that you and your little reader are able to find a happy balance. It sounds like you’ve made some good progress already!


last night we had the problem. it was about 8 30 and E was ready to sleep. just then she said that she needs to read. i ask her to take 2 books from the shelf to read but she took 6 books. i repeat 2 so she put 4 books to shelf. after reading 2 again she took other books and go for others. that got my anger and i ask her to put the books and im going to turn the lights off. when i turn the lights off she started crying then open the toilet door and continue to reading. then i turn on the light and ask her to finish reading about 9 30 she went bed.

We went today to our friends house(they have a little 2 year old boy…who is adorable)Anyways when we got there, they were at their backyard enjoying gardening, so Catalina ask them for books as soon as we came in. She sit in the table and look every single book they have for kids at the bookshelf(she couldn’t read them, those books are in japanese…because our friends are japanese)but she was so entertain there for a while…I asked her couple of times if she wanted to go enjoy her little friend at the backyard but she said…“no thank you I want books”. After she finished looking every single book she could found at the book shelf ,she decided to play with some puzzles and when she was done with puzzles she went back to look over again the books.
I don’t complain the fact she loves books so much…I think it is fun .
I just put her to sleep, I read her 4 books and she was upset because she wanted to read more…which I tell her "I understand you want to read more books…Tomorrow we will read some more books…it is ok. so she is trying to get the idea of “tomorrow” (I actually deal with this evry night when I have to put her to sleep…and I said the same thing…so she stops being upset and says Ok mommy tomorrow more books.

your little one sounds so sweet
it’s great that you raised such a avid reader
hope my little one enjoys reading as much
just hope they keep it to the daytime :yes:

PY it is not only fun but mainly being a vivid reader will open her many doors.
How is her day, does she goes to preschool or stays with you.
My grandson was told that requiered more physical activities May this be her case too?

Karma to you PY.
I almost understand your problem, but I think you have it worse than me. My dd also loves books. She sounds at about the same reading level as your child. She will/can read YBCR books and other simple books which have been read to her before. She will read those on her own, but also LOVES for me to read to her. Most days I am convinced I spend 50% of my time reading. We read for about an hour every morning after she wakes up. She insists on a few books before she eats lunch. Then of course we have a big reading session every afternoon. My dd doesn’t nap but we do spend an hour or two every afternoon on her bed reading. She will read some books and I will read the rest. Of course we read a few books after dinner. Her bedtime routine usually includes about an hour of reading before she falls asleep. And Yes, many many nights she wakes up at 3 am asking for a story. I too think it is great that my dd loves books, and yet somedays I am convinced I am going to go batty if I have to read another kids book.

I do hope that as she learns to read more and more on her own that my reading time with her will be reduced. Yes, my house is a disaster because for the moment I have decided reading is a priority. One day she won’t need me to read to her at all, nor want me to. That thought sustains me through the 100+ books I read in a day.

So, I have tried a few strategies. A few have been mentioned already. I do own hundreds of books that I rotate so that they are not all out at once and can be ‘fresh’ again a few weeks from now. Thankfully we have a library that lends 100 books at a time, and yes the library is better than the candy store.

I have started to read longer classics to my child. We have been reading our way through ‘Little Women’ the last week, but we have also done the ‘Wind in the Willows’ and ‘Secret Garden’. I have been reading abridged small chapter books of these classics. I find a small chapter book means that I might only have to read for 30 minutes instead of 60 minutes of 20 smaller books. Also, the classic chapter books keep my interest a little better so that helps with my sanity. There is a great post on brillkids somewhere regarding classic books for kids. I am slowly working my way through the list.

I have tried the strategy of reading a book that has activity in it and then trying to get her involved in that activity again. Such as reading a book about baking a cake then sometimes I can get her to bake with me instead of reading. I admit this doesn’t always work, but at least sometimes it does.

For the 3 am reading sessions, I do try to focus my reading on books that end in sleeping or are about sleeping. I have also tried ‘telling her story’ vs reading a story. I will just make up a random story, again I try to stick to sleeping themes and making my dd the center of the story. Again, this doesn’t always work, but it saves my sanity when it does. The advantage of telling a story over reading a story is that telling a story you can do in the dark, the child doesn’t need to sit up and look at a book, and hopefully you can rub their back to sleep.

I do hope my dd establishes a lifetime love of reading. In the meantime, just trying to keep sanity! Good Luck to you PY.

I think my daughter sits still only for reading,LR and flashcards time otherways she keeps hemself really busy all day, she loves dancing, yoga,playing outside, whenever I want to do coloring or any other work in the table she doesn’t seems so interested, she gets bored very easy. Since my perspective I will say she is an active little girl.
She cames to work at the school with me since she was 6 months old, counting that I worked during all my pregnancy too. She is around other children five days a week.On weekends we take her to do so much fun stuff(we don’t stay at home)zoo,library,pet zoo,parks,to see the ocean,kids playgrounds…etc. I will say she does quiet of exercise during the day.

PY, Your daughter sounds so cute, what a lovely dilemma to have.

I will be using some of the above tips for my son as he’s already started to ask for more books especially around nap time and sleeping time, he’ll rather have a book read to him then sleep and if I refuse to read more he would just yell and cry until I give in. I’ve started to buy him more simple 1 or 2 word per page board books so he can learn and read those on his own, I would give him about 8 books to read on the floor, this will last for about 10/15 mins which is enough time in the morning for me brush my teeth and wash my face.

We also keep the books in the house wherever she can reach them, we have books in the bathroom(we also read at bath time),in the kitchen she has a drawer for her books,in my bedroom,in the toy room, in the car and of course in her berdroom.
I think that help a lot too, giving her the chance to have easy access to her books since she was a baby, she could see books all around her.

My grandson has most of his books in his bedroom where he can access them easily (in his fathers house) and in my bedroom where he knows I keep new books that are not yet for his age but I bought for the FUTURE. It looks as if I am ‘Book Addict’.
Also on my living room we have a big shelf (biblioteca or library) where we have all type of books (short stories, novels, encyclopedias etc) for every age some of which we used with my sons. Sometimes he asks for some of them too.
When he was smaller we read to him from plastic books while taking a bath.
i agree, access to books may help in love for reading

Now PY I can relate to the books in every room - thank you for making me feel like I am not alone. We have a bookshelf or drawer or bin or pile of books in every room of our house. My daughter is pretty good about booking her books away most of the time, but it still seems I spend an hour every night putting books away.

Right now she is really into pulling out all my textbooks and novels off my nightstand, and she can’t reach them to put them back. I’m off to clean the pile of books before I go to sleep.

Odd was like this. I tried to rotate books for my own sanity, but I have to admit that I donated one of her favorites to charity because neither myself or my husband could stand to read it ever again!