Zulu Patern Phonics

I’m creating LR files for Zulu (actually hijacking the Brill Kids catagories and translating them.) There’s only about 20 odd people using these translations, but I would value any advice from anybody, especially those who know alot about language and learning how to read.

Zulu doesn’t have many one sylable words, so it would be very hard to try and produce a “Brill Kids Pattern Phonics” equivalent for Zulu. I’m thinking of making catagories with sylables and not words, for example “gqa, gqe, gqi, gqo, gqu,” as is traditionally practiced by native speakers learning to read and write. I’ll bet almost all children learning to read Zulu with LR will also be learning English with LR at the same time, and since there’s so many similarities in English and Zulu spelling, there only needs to be a focus on Zulu phonics that doesn’t mach up with the English ones.

Any thoughts?