Youtube genius to inspire you all

Thought you might like to check out a child on Youtube for inspiration on how to raise a genius, a star, a singer, musician, who has sporting talents also. Her mum will be posting a video soon of HOW she has raised her to be so talented. This little girl became a member of mensa at 2 years old. (although this next clip says genius approved 3 years 4 months, I think that’s referring to something else). Youtube username ladyxeona
A few examples…

Her mum did tell me via email on youtube she was trying to get her educated in a virtual classroom. If she couldnt receive an education appropriate to her intellectual development, then she would homeschool. I’ll have to look into this virtual classroom, as I’ve never heard of that before. One large factor in her early learning was GAMING. (From watching the clips she’s used Leapfrog click-start, nintendo ds, computer games.Tv plug-n-play games etc). Hoping she’ll join brillkids and tell us more!! She’s studied psychology for many years and is now concentrating on child development.

Very interesting,

I wonder how she used the nintendo ds to teach her daughter. I have also wondered about gaming for my little one. It seems like so much fun and a fun way to learn. I hope she joins brill kids it would b great to pick her brain a little more.

uh…interesting! I will like to ask her some question also. She looks like her mommy is doing a good job teaching her nice stuff. …but I would like to know more ideas how she did.

Here’s Lady talking about her own gaming educational experiences.

and her earliest learning via games…

I see that gaming is one way that lady’s mum has used.

My only question is this. If you learn by gaming ( which gives you an instant reward each time you get it right) and at a later stage enter a normal classroom how will the child cope not getting an instant reward for getting something right. In a normal classroom there are no bells and whistles no dogs doing tricks when you get something right, you may (if you are lucky) get a pat on the back, a well done written on a test and if you are really lucky a sticker.

How will the child cope? Im not trying to say that what she did is bad or wrong it is just another way to teach. Im just trying to see if all the pros and cons are covered?.


“I see that gaming is one way that lady’s mum has used. My only question is this. If you learn by gaming ( which gives you an instant reward each time you get it right)” babies/kids get the same gratification from parents when they clap for them or get excited when they have done something good.

“and at a later stage enter a normal classroom how will the child cope not getting an instant reward for getting something right.” the instant reward comes from the feeling of achievement in the child

“In a normal classroom there are no bells and whistles no dogs doing tricks when you get something right, you may (if you are lucky) get a pat on the back, a well done written on a test and if you are really lucky a sticker.” that is just like icing on the cake stuff and if you are on a healthy diet you really dont even bother with the icing

“How will the child cope?” it is not about outside rewards but the achievement of the goal for personal satisfaction and learning that anything is possible with practice. the gaming does not replace the parents role for guidance.

“Im not trying to say that what she did is bad or wrong it is just another way to teach.” no human of any age wants to sit in a boring classroom. if the material is made to be fun it is just easier to learn- i have dropped college courses because they bored me to headaches. adults are even harder to entertain and ex. that is why commercials and products are so full of the “bells and whistles”

“Im just trying to see if all the pros and cons are covered?.”

Hi Lady,

Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions. I have put a clickstart on layby and I am looking forward to introducing it to my DD.

HI also! I have ebayed quite a few early gaming consoles/games and my 22.5 month old is over the moon with them. I knew she needed them when she was trying to play with her older sisters nintendo ds’s, much to their horror. She treated the ds’s respectfully but still they worry she’ll break their equipment. Not cheap equipment, and theirs. So I got her her own, less costly items that use a bigger screen. She’s keen to use the qwerty keyboard and mouse of the leapfrog clickstart, and had fun with it today. And had fun with some remote items (no wires and plugs) with joysticks and buttons, like leapfrog Little leaps. She was excited about it all. Even my 7 month old had a fiddle of the buttons.

Thanks alot Ive been thinking on games and how best to move forward…Ill look into the Leapfrog Click/TV.