Your thoughts on All About Spelling and Logic of English?

Teaching spelling to my son is now my new obsession lol I have Level 1 AAS and I like it a lot. I’ve been using AAS for a few weeks and my son is very happy with it. However, I stumped upon Logic of English and I have an itch to get it!!! I’ve been obsessed with Logic of English for 5 days now. I don’t know why I am doing that to myself!

I am wondering if any of you have used Logic of English. How do you like it?

I have their phonograms app and I love it ! It’s so simple and basic but the kids can’t progress without mastery. It doesn’t teach spelling but it does teach letters and combinations with ALL possible sounds. Quite useful for EL kids.

Thanks, Manda. My little guy likes the App too but he was a little confused because LOE has more sounds than AAS.

Have you tried the Drooling Dragon App? It’s really good too.

No I havnt but I just might now :biggrin:
Just about every phonics and spelling program has a different number of possible sound combinations. That is the English language for you. A mosh mash of all those other languages creates a very very messy written structure. At school my kids start with thrass (44 sounds) and move onto spalding in grade 3 because they need more sound spelling options than thrass offers! :blink:
I think reading exposure and writing practice is the best thing you can do to create good spellers. Is a practice makes perfect combined with a familiarity makes it possible approach.
Pick any system that you child enjoys and run with it.

I have tried neither. But LOE calls to me more. Less fiddly. And less levels. So cheaper in the long run. I have watched pretty much all of the logic of English videos. There is a really review of the essentials program on her site.
LOE essentials does cover grammar. That is why I have considered it as a program to grow with.

I think I will stick with All About Spelling. My son enjoys it so much and the teacher’s guide is very easy to follow too.