Your Opinion on this article "Programs aim to prepare children for kindergarten"

Ok, just want to get everyone’s opinion on this article today that came out in my area, it’s titled: “Programs aim to prepare children for kindergarten before birth”

Reafirms the fac that parent-child interaction is priceless. 100% agree with this.

This is the last paragraph from the article:

"Buonforte-Miles says she has seen studies showing too much stimulation can actually slow brain development. Still, she doesn’t want to say children can have no learning structure in the home and be ready for kindergarten. "

Has anyone seen any of these studies that are being referred to? That totally contradicts everything I have ever read about early brain stimulation.

I feel the whole article is very poorly done, nothing to back up any of their statements, just opinion. It’s also completely contradictory to itself, 40-70 percent of children aren’t ready for kindergarten, yet don’t try to help them early because it may cause them to slow brain development!

well, to go to kinder you have to be potty trained. They dont accept kids in nappies or who make a mess everywhere…
That doesnt happen without parents teaching and training their kids usually. It doesnt happen just by letting them play, and they’ll figure it out for themselves…maybe, but much older than if the parent teaches them to use the toilet!!! (I know a teenager from an orphanage who still isnt toilet-trained…it doesnt just happen by itself!!). One example. (I havent read the article yet, just the comments).

Forcing children to learn too much too soon can cause them unnecessary pressure.

To me this was the key line in the article. I’m sure most of us try keep learning joyful & fun for our kids. Forcing children to do anything day after day could be stressful & detrimental.