Your little readers..

Hello Everyone,

I’m pretty new to the program and this is my 1st poll.
I’ve only had Little Reader for about 2-3 weeks. I haven’t had the time to use it every day nor as often as I would like with my little girl. However… to my surprise. She can read ANYTHING including words we’ve never practiced and words she’s never seen. I was very skeptical at 1st thinking it could only be a coincidence. She’ll be 1 yrs old next week and can identify even the longest most complex words found in the dictionary. Words I haven’t even seen myself. Is this normal after such a short period of time with flash card stimulation? I’ve tried tricking her with words that look the same such as money / monkey. However, she can still identify the correct word. When in the grocery store… I pick items with several words on one package to test her abilities and she’s mastered every attempt. Please let enlighten me on any similar experiences.


Londa~ :blush:

Wow! You have a genius toddler! It’s cool to hear that, though for my kids it took longer unless she uses ESP to guess them which would still be extraordinary! :slight_smile: :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
Congratulations and let us know how it progresses…

Cool! Maybe she learned the words in a past life!

Well… we just had a visit with some family and friends who of course… were just as curious and skeptical as I was. I could tell they “wanted” to believe me but needed to see for themselves. I don’t know if I can call it reading until she starts verbalizing so I’m gonna stick with (word identification) for now. I wrote all of there names in black marker on paper. I also had them pick random words of there own. I was so proud to see her choose each word/name correct and effortlessly. We later tried objects as I’ve only used words on paper. I wasn’t confident she could identify an object without seeing the word. I’d completely neglected to teach her objects and forgot how important that was. I knew this would be her greatest challange. I was wrong. Hat, knife, fork, glass, keys, pillow, ring, plate, bowel. She identified each of them with a huge smile on her face. It was a like a fun game to her. I am TOO impressed and can not explain how she can do this? I’ll have to do some reseach.

Thanks for reading.

Confused mommy…


Definitely your little girl is something special. She has a gift not easy to find. I have some questions.
Is she your only child? If not, what are her brothers age.
Have you been using any other technique maybe not on purpose but that brought that result. Do you read her books?
Is she going to nursery or preschool?
What about languages. What is your native language and is she listening to another.
Where are you from and where do you live?

Definitely your little girl is something special. She has a gift not easy to find. I have some questions.
Is she your only child? If not, what are her brothers age.
Have you been using any other technique maybe not on purpose but that brought that result. Do you read her books?
Is she going to nursery or preschool?
What about languages. What is your native language and is she listening to another.
Where are you from and where do you live?
Hi 2010BEBES,

She’s my only child. I’ve always sang nursery rymes to her but just recently as of about maybe 2 months ago started reading her books.
No other languages or preschool. Grandparents assume the roll of childcare. English is our only language. The Noggin Channel such as: Dora The Explorer, Deigo, & Ni Hao Kilan is her only exposure to other languages. We’re from Pennsylvania.

Where are you from? Have you had this happen or seen anything like this before? I continue to challange her so I don’t loose whatever this is. But I find myself holding back sometimes because I don’t want to rob her of natural play time. She’s been a very attentive observer from birth and I’m not sure how to handle her progress. I plan to ask our pediatrician for advice at her next examination.



hi there yqueen.

i dont think that what your child is doing is normal.
it has to be an amazing gift.
maybe its Gods way of letting us know that no matter what we research and teach, God still has power over everything and i guess this is a miracle!

look after your precious angel!

Maybe you’re right fatima786. Thank You. I never thought of it that way.

I’ll get a video to post ASAP (once I learn how to download it to the forum.) I’m still trying to learn this website. I’ll try record her sometime this week so if you think of any words you want me to try… let me know. I’ll run them by her so you too or anyone else can see for yourself. She continues to amaze me everyday!



Its truly amazing! Why don’t you write to IAHP and ask them if they have come across any kid with such extraordinary talent…Just a suggestion…


Congratulations on your gifted child! You are lucky. You might want to introduce music to stimulate more learning. Good luck

Thank you all for the great advice and positive feed back. I truly appreciate it and will definitely consult some professionals.
Music is definitely my next introduction. I’ve downloaded a few classic instrumentals along with nursery rymes. She already LOVES them. I wish I would have started this sooner. However she’s proven to me that it’s never too late.

I’ll work on posting a video this weekend.

Thanks again!


Wawww. This sure makes us (who do not have LR yet) want to start fast.
I am in Peru and i am delighted to be in this forum and learn so many thing about early education. I am working on my points to get LR with discount. My first and only grandson is 2 .5 years old. Since baby he listened to music Around the World ( I show him books in english (good night moon, brown bear … and polar … and panda…), other italian and french books some of which comes with CD (I speak a little of french, portuguese but no italian). He likes Diego and now I am recording for him Ni hao Kai Lan from Tv programed in the morning when he is in preschool.
This week we will emphasize music viewing Trebellina which recently i bought from information in this forum.
Take care of your precious child.

Thank you so much for the link 2010BEBES! Sounds like you’ve been very busy. Your grandson is lucky to have you. I’m sure you’ll LOVE LR and I’ll look forward to hearing your thoughts once you purchase the program.

Take care :slight_smile:


wow your baby is amazing.