Your favorite articles/books about teaching math...

I have yet to read the long Doman Math Method thread in this forum section, but I have a general math question:

What are your favorite or most insightful references about teaching math (and science) to children and inspiring them to like it?

-Any studies about the types of teachers or teaching techniques that work well?
-Any comparative studies between how math is taught in places like China or Poland vs. U.S.?
-Any workbooks for kids that are particularly beneficial?
-Any articles that talk about math circles? There is a math circle program affiliated with the UC Berkeley campus that would be easy for me to get to in the future, but I don’t know how effective it is.

I am a good reader, but I am not a math whiz…so I am much less confident about transferring those skills without even more guidance.



Books that show you how to use maths in your daily life, like counting grapes, sultanas as you eat them are great. Your child can be a genius by Ken Adams gives practical tips.

Ready for Maths by chris heald and Val Eustice 1988 by6 Hippo (scholastic) gives lots of practical ideas.

Lots of sorting by size, colours etc. Playing with money. cutting aples and oranges into sections (fractions). Weigh things, measure things. Learn shapes.

Youtube has maths songs for counting, skip counting, multiplication, pi, diameter and radius, geometry, shapes etc. Songs are very memorable and stick in your head.

Mathletics is a great online resource. My son loves it, and people post their kids using it on youtube (they get to compete against kids across the world, so their competitive urge is a motivator to do better.

There are demos on youtube, by montessori people and others…see the video gallery on here in Math section. Google montessori as they have great maths ideas.

Science…peter weatherall has great science clips on youtube.