Your Earliest Pregnancy Signs

What was the very first things that you noticed before you took a pregnancy test.

Never even been close to pregnant. But I have a 6th sense for when others are pregnant. I noticed my aunt was pregnant when she started eating more and snacking alot.

I knew when my mom was pregnant from her aura (that sounds hippy-like, but its true)

and I knew my friend was pregnant when I noticed that she complained that she was lightheaded and peeing all the friggin time.

tired and slept early at night even when the tv was on, i usually can’t sleep with the slightest sound, but i fell asleep. i usually have enough rest, so when i have enough rest and still fall asleep easily, that’s my first sign of pregnancy…

Are you trying to tell us something waterdreamer!? I had an off tummy and had several trips to the toilet and really sore boobs! I also had some tummy pains that I kept thinking were sign alling my periods arrival but it never came! Looking back I realise these were all signs. Now I’m hoping to feel them all again really soon!

my signs for early pregnancy was tiredness and like AussieMumofOne, i had tummy pains that i thought might lead to a period, but never happened. After the checkup felt wonderful to know that i was pregnant… :yes:

Lol I a not trying to conceive, however my breast are swollen and sore, I had heartburn the last two night(which I never get, I can handle spicy food that would make the devil sweat and supper was not spicy at all) qweezy feeling, and a fullness in my pelvic area. AF is not due to arrive till Sunday. I just feel off. Plus last week I had bad acne and over night it cleared up. So my hormones are off.
Lol guess I’ll have to wait till Sunday to know for sure. Let’s hope I don’t make a scene and get sick on my Black Friday trip lol. But I mean really it is most likely to early to be having these types of signs anyhow.

I should have known a week before my period was due as I woke up that morning and didn’t like the taste of coffee - I wondered if the milk was off actually. Then two days later I couldn’t stand the smell of raw red meat at the shops, and then I go really angry and in a foul mood for anothr 4 days until I finally tested and it was positive aday before my period was due.

Good luck an lt us know what happens.

My nipples being sore was the first sign. Then I was very tired even after getting a lot of sleep. Then I was hungrier than normal. Then I took the test lol

Earliest sign - needing to wee in the middle of the night, often more than once. Just being full of urine really!! Then darker nipples. Pregnancy shows that us women are like chameleons.

dark nipples bigger breasts at around day 20 of my cycle when my period would be due at day 28 . i knew immediately i am pregnant but was really too early to make pregnancy test . i waited till day 27 and did it and got the two lines .

Both times I got pregnant (one miscarriage), I “just knew” that I was pregnant before any other real signs. I’d never thought anything like that could happen to me, but I was sure, and I’ve never felt that I was pregnant at any other time. Within a day or two of that, though, I had very tender and swollen breasts. I didn’t take the test until about two weeks after my period was due, both times, because I was second guessing myself, but my intuition was right.