Hi all - particularly my fellow Canadians!

When looking for YBCR last year, I found a CANADIAN company (Interwood Direct) to order from and experienced EXCELLENT service. I got the DVD set quickly and had no problems. I, personally, like to order things within Canada so that I don’t have extra duty issues - delay or costs…but of course, that also depends on how long it takes to find a Cdn company and how desperate I am to get the product lol

Anyway, I did look to them first when YCCR came out, but they weren’t carrying it yet, so I spent the $100+ USD to get it from the States. BUT Interwood has it now! Even though I don’t need it personally, I had to tell you about this deal! $79.95 CDN + FREE SHIPPING! (Until Nov.21)

Here is the link. Apparently, some email programs might break the link so you might need to copy and paste the whole thing rather than just clicking on it.