Your Baby Can Read Part 2

Hi Shy417,
What a smart baby!!! I have some questions that need your advise. Currently my son is 7mth old, I had recently started the GD English reading programme with him. However I did not follow the paper size and font size as stated in the GD books. Initally I flash the words using powerpoint that I download fr the website. I flash for about 1 month, each day 25 words and 3 times daily. I tried to ‘test’ him if he can recongnise the words or not about 1week ago. I write the words on marker on A4 landscape and ask him which is say door? He will look at me and laugh non stop. I tried it few times still same response. And he will try to grap at both words… Now I had printed the words on paper instead on flashing on computer. Hopefully he will be able to know now mommy flashing words to him and when I ask him which is which hopefully he understands some.
What do u think I had do wrong? Is it he doesn’t know that he has to choose one as I always flash on pc? Or what I had flashed to him for the past one month did not register into his brain?
Can I check with u what paper size you are using and what font size u use?

Thanks for your help!!!

Thank you. I’m sure your son is very blessed to have a mommy invest so much time in his education. I don’t nearly work as hard as you do. Sometimes, simple is better! I don’t follow the advice from the DVD collection because I follow my instinct and believe from reading several sources that TV time should not really be exposed at such a young age and be limited.

I flash about 10-15 cards for maybe 1 min. a day, once a day. I randomly rotate the cards. Not really follow a “system” or schedule. I only let him watch “your baby can read” once a day before he gets a bath then time to sleep for the night. My homemade cards are doublesided, 3 words per page. I cant remember the font? Maybe size 44? It depends because the smaller the word, the larger the font size, the longer the word the smaller the font size.

From my experience, Powerpoint works really well. 25 words, 3x a day seems too much for him. Please don’t test him, from what I recall reading it’s better not to test them, just assume that he knows it! My husband got so excited seeing Ethan demonstrate his knowledge that he kept “testing” him so much that Ethan stopped doing it because he got bored. I made my husband stop and once in awhile…just for fun we would play with him while he demostrates his knowledge. He almost turning 1 years old and repeats/identifys actual words/things. He’s WAY smarter than I could have imagined. Just remember to make it fun, BTW it should be fun for both of you! If it’s exciting for you, it’s exciting for him and vice-versa.

Hope this helps. FWI, he might be to young to demonstrate it yet, wait until min. of 9 m. to “test” if you feel it’s neccasary.

Great job, shy! Was there a part 1?

CONGRATULATONS!!! Your baby can read is a really nice program for kids, they do learn how to read.

Dear friends
I got YBCR dvds and i started showing my six months old baby the starter dvd . he won’t sit on it to the end , and i don’t mind . we sit together , i say the words with the dvd, touch his nose , put my arms up , sing the songs , but after ten minutes you can see he moves away from the dvd so i let him . i won’t show him more than one time a day , and i thought i would print out the words and showthem to him on other time of the day during floor time .
for his age should i go with full A4 size paper for one word ?? or A5 will do ??
i am planning to laminate those cards. baby did so well when he was immobile looking at cards but now that he is moving he wants to grap the cards and play with them and when i don’t let him he turns his face away and doesn’t want to look . i thought if i laminate some early cards and use every day during playtime , if you think how many times we repeat spoken words , so i like to do that with the written words instead of retiring them after 15 viewing .

now since he saw those words in the dvd , do you think i need to print a picture on the back of the card to make it more interesting or i save my ink for new words and pictures of new things he needs to learn .
i know iknow i am wasting valuable time thinking how perfect my card should be instead of diving in and just do it .
and i see KL teaching your daughter on u tube with simple words no pictures no laminating . by the way i was amazed how your daughter was sitting for the words , did she go through the biting tearing the cards stage .

please advice on size , and picture or not for six months old ??

i am thinking if i make words only now than i can print personalized pictures that go with books made with YBCR words.

cannpot wait to read your opinion about this .