Your Baby Can Read on Today Show

The Today Show featured the Your Baby Can Read program in a very negative light today. If you didn’t see if, you can here.

This was such a hit piece.

I liked this response: :biggrin:

I liked that response too, DadDude! :wink: :smiley:

They are so LAME.

Think again Matt! My child CAN read.

I used YBCR in conjunction with several other programs. My daughter was “sight reading” by 16 months (memorizing, what many find to be a precursor to reading) and PHONETICALLY SOUNDING OUT NEW WORDS by 22 months.

These programs and others DO work. My daughter is walking, talking, living proof. I am disheartened to see that the Today would show such a biased piece and discourage parents from promoting early learning programs with their children. What a waste of television. Dig deeper Today show, and may you find the truth!

dang I just saw a typo. oh well.

I am so steamed up over this right now, so that was my short answer. RIDICULOUS!


My son is not yet at the sounding out stage, but if it weren’t for YBCR I seriously think his vocabulary would be much smaller. He has an extensive vocabulary and I am confident that he will be reading “before he’s ready” (whatever that means!!!).

Again…I say “sheesh”!

I like that response to :slight_smile: That person seems to know what he’s talking about :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

WOW. Yes - I know that segments on TV are biased and wrong all time…but it just hits home so much more when it’s a subject I feel I know so well. I’m wondering what the motive is? To get all the supporters fired up to draw hits to their website? To protect people’s jobs out in the education world? To keep parents from educating their kids so the government can have full control? I don’t know.

That was a great response, DadDude.

Someone unplug my laptop, I am banging my head against the wall here reading all of these ignorant comments. This one takes the cake…

Von Fisch

Okay, Steven-2582910, now I call B.S. on that one. Your trying to teach a 2-3 month old words before that child knows the names of things? Has the child even learned to roll over yet? That baby just learned how to smile a lilttle over a month ago! This is a total crock. If it doesn’t work at 2-5 years then it is a crap program. I can see starting at 1 year to 18 months. But why would you even THINK of teaching an infant only a couple of months old!

Such a lost cause. The masses of stupidity have spoken, pretty much all 7 pages worth!

All the nay-sayers of early childhood development are usually ridiculously lazy people that want miracle products. They are products of the modern age (as in they want IT right NOW). If it requires more than just setting your child in front of it for it to work, then it is a lost cause to them. Their children probably don’t get enough of them. These are the same people that probably expect the public school system to teach their kids about sexual intercourse. And there is nothing happy nor respectable about any of this. :frowning: Sometimes, it’s really not fair that you don’t get to pick your parents!

Poor kiddos.

YBCR works. Here is proof. Thank you Dr. Titzer.

Great point annisis - I never thought about the “NOW” concept. It makes a lot of sense. And if people won’t take the time with their child, then they have to justify it to themselves (to make themselves feel better). And they have to convince everyone around them too…

One of the reasons why I try very hard not to watch much tv anymore because of pieces like this. I thought Journalism was to show to both side of the story in an impartial light and allow the VIEWER to makeup his or her own mind!

I often wonder how much money the Today program paid those experts to find something ‘wrong’. (Not that I should speculate)

I hope the story backfires on the Today program and sales for YBCR jump through the roof!!

Im very impressed by what Larry Sander wrote! He stuck it to the today program!

Well at least all of our children can prove them wrong!

Kimba 15

Because an expert hasn’t taken the time to investigate something thoroughly - does that make it not possible? Apparently they know our kids better than we do and we are all delusional.

I was talking to my husband last night about it and commenting that it is really powerful in my eyes that the founders of all of the companies that are spreading the message about early reading are parents that have been successful with their own children. That itself is a testimonial. These are not big companies trying to get rich quick with snake oil. These are parents that forsake their other careers to bring about products and tools to help other parents. I think that alone speaks volumes.

Thank you Larry Sanger for the well written reply to Matt. You are very eloquent of speech and the perfect person to stand up to their false doctrine. Seeing as how they had little Elizabeth Barrett on the show reading at 17 months old and then due to popularity of that piece they had her back I can’t understand why they would run a piece like they did yesterday, unless it was to create excitement for a next piece.

And Elizabeth Barett learned to read from watching Signing Time. Which is the same concept, Rachel would say a word, it’s written on the blackboard behind her and then a sign is given. It adds a kinesthetic component to the learning, but VERY similar concept to YBCR. But she learned not because of this system—she’s unusually gifted.

I agree with people who want to have an excuse for why their child didn’t read, and the difference probably boils down to no parental interaction (hoping the videos will make my kid read) and interaction and communication that creates attachment and bonding.

You don’t see people bashing the gym because people pay OVER $200 for a membership and then don’t look like a bodybuilder.

Well I’m glad many people gave useful comments after watching Today’s show video.
I believe Doman method had a similar anti-commercial once, too. So ? Those parents who want to find the truth about something, will look more into what the media is telling them. Those who like things being told to them, without thinking “outside the box”, will “eat” what others give them.

In my country, real, objective journalism has become such a rare thing… it’s sad.

Regarding early learning methods, people got the idea wrong also because of some parents looking for that method. For instance, I found out about Doman from a dad who was keeping these info for his family only, to use later to gain money. I was lucky that he told me about it, because our son is brain injured and he wanted to help us (but not without wanting something in return, however… this we found out later…) He didn’t use Doman method with none of his daughters… but he loved to gather all kind of materials, and has spent a lot of money on them…

I guess anyone can have access to information… but only a few can use it literally…

Anyway… this guy’s idea was that, through this type of learning, children can become geniuses… Ok… it sounds surreal for me, although comparing to the norm, it may be true. Instead, I would rather say, like the mother in another video: they would have the “rights they deserve”: to read, learn, speak etc. early.

Another thing… in webpages/forums for parents in my country, even homeschooling isn’t so positively seen… not to mention early learning… Maybe because some parents are too agressive, too, in what they believe, and/or others in what they don’t believe.

One thing my husband reminded me, I think it’s worth mentioning:

The idea is that many parents these days, are very busy with their job, making a living or else. And many of them really believe they are doing everything they can to take care of their children the best way possible. So… when they see such a video, is like making them feel guilty that in fact they didn’t give them the best education, after all, or the best chances in life.
At least in my country, it’s very hard to have and maintain a job and in the same time offer your kids a good education.

Either we are talking about rich or poor parents, the feeling of guilt that this kind of video might bring out in them, I believe is natural in a way. And when they are against this type of products, methods etc. in fact they are protecting themselves from the thought of not raising their kids well.

I have the chance to raise him on my own, because my husband has a job. Also, I know about these methods and love them and our little boy loves them too. But this isn’t possible for everyone…

I try very hard not to get angry with ignorance and lack of education because that is what these so called experts are suffering from.

It seems to me that the mother mentioned in the text - I couldnt bring myself to watch the programe having read what its all about - seems to think that this stuff only happens by parking your child in front of a TV. Well yes they may learn something, but Prof Titzer talks about how you have to engage with your child and help them.

My daughter has just turned 3. She wont read in front of a video camera so I cant demonstrate it in the way others have. But she is reading books that are read by children 3 years older than her. It has taken a year for me and her to convince her nursery that she can do this. (She is something of a challenge to them but to give them their due they are now progressing her in a way that I was starting to sturggle with). She has been through YBCR, Brillkids and any number of other resources and projects.

But this is more than just reading for her - her language development, social skills, and ability to pick up and understand concepts is far greater than many of her friends.

I know my 10 month old son can read 4 words and probably more- he is currently on YBCR and brillkids.

But none of this has happened by parking them just in front of the TV, and Im sure that all of us who know this is worth it work very hard each day with our children.

So yes Im sad - sad for that mother who clearly didnt have anyone to help her ‘get it’ - but also sad for the parents of children who may now miss out as the result of biased reporting.

But Im also angry that thye only asked the so called experts - not the real ones - those of us parents who really work to support our children in learning at the best times for them. It really does make you wonder what the motive was ???

I’ve finally produced a blow-by-blow reply to the Today Show:

Hi Daddude,

I am thrilled and I can’t wait to read it. I see it is long so I have to finish my work before I can review it. I am sure it is awesome like all of your work. :smiley:

I am so impressed with your come back :slight_smile:

Well said…

Thank you for all the time you have put in to this

Susan Khan