Your Baby Can Read DVD - losing concentration

Hi all, our Your Baby Can Read program arrived last week, yay! I am finding the length of the DVD’s very long for a five month old and he is losing concentration before the DVD finishes. I am not too worried but was wondering if others went through this too? Even though it can be slightly frustrating, I think I’d prefer this rather than a bubby who stares at the TV for hours on end! Anyway, back to the point. The point is, did others experience this and how did you handle it? I have been leaving the DVD running but putting him down on his tummy or back to play with his toys. Do you think that this will be stimulating the right brain since he isn’t actually watching or should I just turn it off?


I don’t think you’re meant to show them the whole dvd. 5 mo is still quite young to watch Tv for over 10-15mn.
I think you might want to show maybe 10mn in the morning, and 10 mn later on. We did not start until my baby was over 7mo (with LP) and it was 5 mn per day, no more. I slightly increased it as she got older.

Thanks for that advice Hypatia, I think you’re right, it would be better if I split it up, it is definitely far too long. And the amount of TV we’re watching does concern me as we have this DVD and Tweedlewink to (theoretically) watch daily. I appreciate your input!

I started to show YBCR to my daughter only for 10 min a day at 6 months.

Splitting the DVD into 10 min blocks is an excellent idea. My DD would wander off after 5-10 minutes … and the only word she will read out aloud is “Hi”, despite using the flash cards … which is why I like LR so much as she can tolerate the 5 minutes of the English Curriculum in one sitting and asks for more.

My friend had YBCR for their kid and I watched it, and I thought that it was a great concept but poorly executed. It is very slow and boring, I might buy it 2nd hand/discounted as a “lesser evil” supplement to my kids tv viewing but I wouldn’t purchase it out right. Waaay too much $$ for the content/set up.

I think it would work ALOT better if it was 5-7 minute increments,

Plus Titzers advice to dim the lights in the room, put the baby in a barren cage (I mean, empty play pen) and let them watch 2+ times a day is just…lacking. I’d expect more from an “expert”. Early learning should be engaging, fun and incorporate mom and dad as much as possible. It should be a part of Babies day to day life, not something your kid will dread, or be bored/understimulated with.

Actually, I have never heard him say that. He recommends the parents sit with the kids and interact with them as much as possible.

I do recall that Titzer says to remove distractions (toys) as much as possible. But, as nhockaday said, he suggest that parents be an active part in the child’s viewing experience.

And, Mom2Bee, if I can give some friendly, yet unsolicited advice, one thing I know FOR SURE is that you should never say never. I’m so happy for you and your future children. It’s truly marvelous that they will be born into a home that values early education and it’s really fantastic that you have ideas and plans that can be implemented when your children are ready for them. However, there are so many things that I said and believed to be true before I had a child that have been played out or proven wrong. Almost every “rule” I made for myself and how I would parent has gone out the window! :blush:

While you may find that YBCR may be slow, and, frankly, it MAY be for one of your children, it also may be EXACTLY perfect for another one of your children. And when your children are born and you get the chance to implement all your well thought out ideas, your child will be your best leader and s/he just may lead you in a surprising direction and abandon your best laid plans. So, my advice - don’t stop planning but don’t hold too fast to your current judgement on things, you may find yourself one day doing exactly what you said you’d never do! I know I have! lol

I’ve been doing sign language and interacting as the words/images appear on the screen. It seems to keep my little guy engaged and wondering what’s next on the screen. He likes the songs the best, which I “translated” by watching the “We Sign” video series that signs popular nursery rhymes, etc.

I have bought YBCR and YCCR as I have read good references about the programme on the forum but have to say my expectations were too high . My baby is 13monhts, so for now she likes it.For me it is very slow. We have much more fun watching teletubbies and I know that is not the best choice but we have teletubbies toys and interact a lot while watching :yes:

I haven’t read the parents guide so maybe I am doing something wrong but if that is right what mum2bee wrote (btw thanks for writing that here)… >:(

i have actually just checked one of the videos out in my library and it just doesn’t seem to be that interesting. my daughter didn’t pay attention either. it’s very slow and not too engaging.
that said, since parents say that it works, splitting it up seems like the only logical step.

I started YBCR when my son was 6months old. Initially he showed interest and watched the DVD for 30 mins. But now he is 11 months old and is loosing concentration. He wouldn’t watch the dvd for more than 5 mins. He likes the power point presentations from brillkids free downloads. As soon as I open my laptop he would come over to watch the ppt.