Young Girls A & B, sight reading and reciting Surah 100 al-'Aadiyaat


My daughters’ reciting Qur’an, masha’Allah, end of February 2011, which was made possible by teaching them al-Qai’dah al-Nooraneeyah in LR, alhamdulillah.

I will upload more videos as we record them and their progress, insha’Allah.

Until then, enjoy the attached photo from today, of Girl B: “Teaching Monkey How To Read and Recite Surah 096 al-'Alaq.” lol


You must be so proud!! Amazing! I know how much my heart swells with pride when I hear my daughter recite/read scripture, it truly is special, above and beyond “regular” reading.

Karma to you~!

well done, masha allah.this is amazing. still i am strugling to teach my 3yr old son arabic. now he knows almost all the letters of arabic alphabet, nw i am teaching him fathha dhama… etc
how do you teach your kids to read arabic.??

Alhamdhulilahi you did great. Karma to you. :slight_smile:

Just want to know how you did this progress??? My son is just 1.5 yr. he knows almost all arabic alphabet. he havn’t start to talk yet.

Assalaamu Alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Ayesha

Maashaa’Allaah! These are so beautiful maashaa’Allaah. Its amazing how they can read. May Allaah bless our children. Aameen. Keep us updated on how they progress!

Jazaakillaahu Khayraa

Wassalaamu Alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu
Ummu Maryam

Thank you TeachingMyTodders. Yes, it is an accomplish, and is the equivalent to an American child reading the Old Testament in it’s original language of Hebrew, or the new Testament in it’s original language of Aramaic.

The language of the Qu’raan (Muslim’s Holy Book), is considered to be the highest form of the Arabic language, which the style is not really spoken in our modern times, although many words are still currently used, and it is the grammatical basis of all other lesser forms of Arabic either written or spoken today, and studied by scholars, both Muslim and non-Muslim. You may be interested in Dr. Michael Sells well written book, Approaching the Qur’an: The Early Revelations, Second Edition:

The Qur’an has been preserved in it’s original form (unaltered) for over 1,400 years and passed down through the generations - primarily orally, and in written forms, to today. The art and science of reciting Qur’an, is a field of scientific discipline in Islamic Studies known as tajweed. While it is studied by many Muslims around the world, it is mastered by only a few (both native and non-native Arabic speakers) with a certificate of perfection (meaning zero errors in pronunciation and memorization from cover to cover).

And while there are many children who begin reciting orally and memorizing (from being taught audibly via listening and repeating only),they usually begin to learn to sight read and improve their pronounciation according to the very strict rules of pronunciation at the age of late 5 years or early 6 years. It is similar to learning to read in English in the 1st grade here.

I was surprised when one of my teachers observed and commented, that for the girls be sight reading along with their reciting with tajweed rules, and memorizing, at this young age, is truly pioneering work, alhamdulillah (All praises are due to Allah/God), masha’Allah (may Allah/God protect them). And it is believed that they are the youngest children to ever sight read (along with reciting) the Qur’an at this age, that we (my teachers who are renowned Scholars in the Science of Tajweed) are aware of. Wa Allahu 'alim (and Allah/God knows best).

Although, there are many children around the world who have accomplished far more, with memorizing the entire Qur’an audibly or reciting it orally (as traditionally taught for millenia), as young as the age of 3, and more commonly from the ages of 5 - 10. And they go on to study it in more depth as they develop more critical thinking skills. One famous American Muslim that is also hafidh-ul-Qur’an (memorizer of the Qur’an) is Mr. Rashad Hussein, whom President Obama appointed as a Special Envoy to the OIC last year, masha’Allah (may Allah/God protect him):

Yet, all I did was combine the Doman method reading with a famous Quran’ic Arabic reader for teaching how to sight read and properly pronounce Qur’anic Arabic words with the rules of tajweed/recitation, for teaching my children, along with the basic English translations. It has definetely been a labor of love. :slight_smile: And now they are able to read (visually/orally) almost 10 pages of the Qur’an (9 and 3/4), and we only have 594 more pages to go, insha’Allah (God willing). And it sounds worse than it is lol , because many Muslims read (visually and/or reciting) 1/30th (or more) of the Qur’an on a daily basis.

wa 'alaikum as salaam Zaku and Zaaa,

Alhamdulillah I applied the Doman method to teaching Qur’anic Arabic, and I began with teaching them a qai’dah for learning to sight read and pronounce Qur’anic Arabic, with applied tajweed rules. I also followed it up applying the Doman method for teaching the short suwar, by showing them individual words flashcards to build up word recognition and pronunciation, and then connecting the words together using the word-for-word recitation feature with Sheikh Gamal as the reciter here: . This is then followed by the standard memorization schedule for children, beginning with 3 lines from the Madinah mushaaf, while having them also sight read and recite, as a multi-sensory approach to learning Qur’aan, insha’Allah. And then for memorization and review, it is repeat, repeat, repeat, ad infinitum - with the Mauritanian method as the guideline. Later, once their penmanship skills improve, I will have them write out their memorization lessons and review, insha’Allah. And I am fortunate that the girls are also under the watchful eyes (and ears lol ) of several Sheiyoukh of Qir’aat/Tajweed, masha’Allah, alhamdulillah.

How are you teaching your children?

wa 'alaikum as salaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh,

Ummu Maryam,

Alhamdulillah. Thank you. I will be working on my recording techniques, and plan to purchase a tripod, insha’Allah. lol

Schwaayah, schwaayah. It is via one flashcard at a time > one ayah at a time > one surah at a time > one page at a time, insha’Allah.

And here is the latest recording >

And will keep you updated with more posts of videos as they are recorded, insha’Allah. Until then, please keep us in your du’a.

wa iyaakum.

wa 'alaikum as salaam wa rahmatu Allahi wa barakatuh.

  • Ayesha :smiley: