Year round or Traditional school year?

Looking forward to seeing everyones response! :slight_smile:

In Australia we have the year divided into terms. Each term is about 9-11 weeks long with a 2 week holiday in between terms and a 6-8 week break at Christmas. It works welll for the children. If we ever get a 12 week term the little kids are completely exhausted buy that week and you can see they are ready for a holiday. The longer break at Christmas allows families to take some vacation time together. The shorter breaks throughout the year, give the teachers a rest, time to plan for next term, and gives the mums a break from driving the school run :slight_smile:
I don’t know how the US manages to keep their kids grades up with the system over there. Over the Christmas break most children in Australia drop back 2 levels in reading and forget a whole bunch of stuff that needs revising. A longer break would mean some after schooling would be essential!
Overall I like the Aussie system, though it does pose some problems finding care for working parents.

There are some private school that school 3 months then off 1 month. But in our state our public school is off 2 months in the summer and believe me there are tons of reviewing at the beginning of the next school year, however, since that we homeschool year around we are off every holiday, bday, anniversary, and atleast 4 weeks throught the year or at one time and then we are off 1 week for November and 2 weeks in December. However when they are ‘off’ they are given assignments to complete. and ten we review then take our quarter finals. we according to some state laws have to do just like the school system but in some states you can do whatever. we have a grading system by computer that records and keep ups with everything it makes it easier to keep up with 30 students the software revels the weaknesses so some reviewing has to be done before the standardized state testing comes in April. the kids are by then so tired and stressed because so much content is forced on them at such a short time from January to April and grades do lack in between those points as well in most cases that is why we still give assignments for homeschool.

In South Africa we also school like the Australians - private schools have three terms and public schools have four terms with about 2-3 week breaks inbetween and a 6 week holiday in December.

I have been homeschooling my DD(4.5years old) this year and am doing year round schooling with her. If we go away on holiday (and when we go we go outside of school holidays as it is cheaper then) then I do stop all school work though it doesn’t mean she isn’t learning and very often I will make sure we see something while away that can be related back to things we have been covering during school time, but I do no reading, writing or math with her while on holiday.

Year round schooling works better for me because I also work two mornings a week which means not much gets done the days I am working. We also school 6 days a week though the 6th day is a lighter and more fun day. Reading however is 7 days a week.

I mostly like to school year-round. However, I take school breaks for certain events, such as a new baby, which happens to be due June 2nd. We’ll be doing school again before September. Another school break is the entire Christmas season, not just two weeks.

Wow! alot of people have read this, but not too many have voted :confused: ~> Thanks to all who have voted and who have shared :biggrin:

~> We live in Florida, USA We choose to school year round. We like it because we can take breaks when needed and do less through out the week. However, we do take about 3 weeks off in the summer so I can get evaluations done etc :wink:

Can’t wait to read more!