YCCR Versus Other Products Please Help!

Okay so for Christmas my daughter’s grandmother ordered her YCCR but we have had problems getting it, I am unsure if it is the company or the grandma that is the issue. I did order YBCR from the company and had no problems recieving it. Now I told Grandma to just forget it, I will order it. My daughter loved YBCR she still plays with the cards and books and she learned a lot from it. In fact if it wasn’t for YBCR I would have probably never looked into more educational tools for her and found this. Maybe I would have lol because I have always believed in early education… but I think that it was a gateway to finding BrillKids. Anyway I dowloaded a trial of Little Reader a while ago and my daughter watched it but I think she liked YBCR better at the time. I am not sure, anyway She knows many words and I made flash cards for her and I teach her with slideshows and handmade cards…I want a product that teaches phonics and how to read sentences. She does know some phonics and I have showed her Letter Factory (leapfrog dvd which is kind of cute) I want to know if YCCR is worth the 100 dollars or should I go with something else. I was thinking of getting Little Reader but I don’t know how it teaches sentences and phonics we hadn’t gotten up to that in the trial. Please tell me your opinions, I truly value them.

Thanks in advance.

They are like comparing apples and oranges. Honestly, get them both if you can swing it! The LR progression to couplets/sentances is a very gradual curriculum, but it all builds on itself. Here’s a clip on how LR incorporates phonics


I tried to find a clip of YCCR for you but was unsuccessful. LR is always going to be more versatile because you can build your own files, DL additional files, and teach anything you want. I have used it to help DD memorize long passages like the Lord’s Prayer, something that is not possible with YCCR. YCCR is really cute, with lots of fun songs and quick sentence flashing, but like I said they are apples and oranges. If I had to pick one I would chose LR because you can infinitely expand it and you it literally for years, as well as teach foreign language and encyclopedic knowledge.YCCR is fun and cute and great when you need the distract the kids while you clean the kitchen or something. My suggestion…get them both if you can! We love and use them both in our house, but LR is used daily.

Christine we have both LR and YCCR, they are both really good. I like using each of them every other day, for example one day YCCR and the next day LR. My little guy gets bored quickly so I have do show him diff. things all the time.

I have 2 YCCR DVD sets and one that I’m currently using and one that I’m selling here in the “sell & swap” forum.

I’m selling the new 5DVD set for $70 because I got an extra one as a gift. If ur interested, send me a message. It’s a really great set and way better than YBCR.

I have used YBCR but haven’t used YCCR yet.
Right now we’re using Little Reader and honestly I’ve been very happy with this. The videos are nice but you can’t customize it like you can with Little Reader.
Though having the videos are nice too, especially if you don’t have the moment to sit down with baby or if they just aren’t in the mood to sit at the computer.
Grandma could be having difficulty with the Your Baby Can Read Company. Even though its a really good product their customer service is terrible. If you go onto their facebook page you will see the numerous complaints about their customer service. You can even google complaints about the Your baby Can Read company. I’m not sure why this is and why they have not changed it.

Tracy makes a valid point. Once the YCCR videos are mastered, there is no more new material and that’s that.

I still say get them both. :biggrin:


I have been a user in Brillkids’ forum and following the posts on early education for almost 2 years.

I have seen the program LR grow and new curriculum came out. Birllkids offer the basic english curriculum and also Chines Curriculum. They are working on French and Spanish. Besides Brillkids has LM (little math) and is working Little Musician. I mention all these because for me is a great investment to get LR. As they say, sometimes videos call more the attention of kids but being LR on the PC allows you to customize your presentations, show your picture when learning MOTHER or your house etc.
Beside the curriculum is already there, we only have to use it but can make changes and select different combinations.
We also can use it to teach language to our babies (my grandsones in my case)

I have not use so far LR with my 4 yr old grandson cause my son is not in favor of reading at an early age. We have been doing encyclopedic cards, music etc. But know with my daughter’s baby (a pretty little girl 22 days old) it is different. So as you see (sorry for making it so long), we are anxious to start with LR.
I am planning to get the basic english curriculum and Mandarin. With downloading of others contribution, later on i will be able to show read spanish or french, languages that now we are talking (and singing) to my granddaughter.

If you have the means, get both LR and YCCR but if i had to decide for one of them… LR is the way (at least for me).

I agree when you compare LR and YCCR you are comparing apples and oranges. I personally like both products, however I’m not really sure how much my son have learned from YCCR. I think we had more success with YBCR then with YCCR, however just because I didn’t notice the same time of results doesn’t mean it didn’t help make brain connections and help make other programs like Hooked On Phonics stick faster then had we not watch them.
I think the YCCR DVDs are much better quality, and seem to have a larger budget then YBCR.
Now LR has more options, not only does it have the 12 month curriculum, it also allows you to make your own presentations. Also what I love is you can make your own physical flashcards. I’ve made many books using this program.
If the budget only allows on LR is my recommendation. However if you can manage both it doesn’t hurt. Watch at Costco if you or someone you know is a member, I’ve heard they can be as low as $50 for the set of four.