YCCR or Little Reader?

Which would be the better deal? Your Child Can Read or Little Reader?
My 4yr old is getting VERY close to finishing the Your Baby Can Read. There are still some words she needs to know but we’ve taken a few days break from it and worked on her words using little booklets that I’ve made with her flashcards.
I never know from what day to the next that she wants to use , somedays she likes to watch the DVD’s, some days she wants to use flashcards, some days she wants to use the little ‘booklets’ that I’ve made.
I’m half tempted to get both because of the variety she seems to need. But I also don’t have tons of money to spend either.
I guess what I’m asking is if you had to chose between one or the other which would you get?

You can get YCCR online sometimes for $10 a DVD from Amazon. Why don’t you just order one and see how she likes it? If she likes YBCR I think she will love YCCR, but comparing YCCR to LR is apples to oranges. They are both good in their own way. I don’t see volume one on their right now but you can look around elsewhere online I suppose, or wait for it to be relisted.

Oh, and you can temporarily join Amazon prime and get free shipping if it matters. Cancel the membership online as soon as your order ships to avoid any future charges.

THanks so much.
My daughter likes Little Reader too. We did the free trial and she actually got mad when the trial ended. I think she likes the fact that I can get the different languages up on Little Reader too. I know she likes both.
Its one of those moments where I wish I could get both because both really have really good advantages.

You might need neither. at 4yo that’s old enough to begin phonics or using sight words or reading beginning books together.

You don’t need to spend $100 bucks or anywhere near it. Check out StarFall.com, completely free learn to read site… hurry over to Funnix.com. Funnix is giving away both levels of their phonic software for FREE, but only until the End of January!!! Hurry on over to their website.

Also look into ProgressivePhonics.com which is again completely free!!!

Yes, I downloaded the Funnix for her. I won’t pass up a good deal like that, in hopes of using that instead.
She doesn’t like it at all :frowning:
For some reason phonics is not coming easy to her at all. She knows her letters and sounds, just putting them together doesn’t seem to 'click for her for some strange reason. She reminds me of my oldest daughter. She had the same problem with phonics. I tortured my oldest with from the time she was 4.5 to the age of 8. It was 4 very LONG years. Sigh. It wasn’t until I added in whole words approach then did she pick up on reading. She was finally reading fluently at the age of 9 and now at the age of 13 she reads at grade level.
My 2nd and 3rd daughter picked up on reading with phonics, but my 4th is just like her oldest sister and instead of torturing her with phonics instruction I just want to get her up and reading first then return to phonics. Of course if there are words to be sounded out I ask her to , and I show her and tell her the rule. But she just gets very irritated with the whole process for some strange reason.

There are also several videos on Youtube that teach sight words, give the web a good look-see before shelling out any cash!