YBCR Success!!!

I did Your Baby Can Read DVDs when my little girl was 2 1/2 - 3 months, but then the computer I had them on crashed. I just bought them again, and started 1 week ago, the starter disk 2 times per day. (She is 5 1/2 months.) Yesterday I noticed that when “arms up” came up on the screen she put her arms up!!! I thought it might just be a coincidence, but she did it the next time it came on too, and also when it says “arms down” she puts her arms up again and then down. She puts her hands together when it says “clap”, too, even though she can’t clap yet. I’m so impressed!
Anyone else with a young baby doing YBCR? What results have you had? I only know one other person doing it, and she started when her dd was 2 years old.

That’s great! We started when my son was about 7 or 8 months. I don’t remember when he started to do the actions. 5 months is very young. You have a little smarty pants!

Hi ,

I started YBCR when my twin babies were 4 months old , now they are 8 months completed , just before a month my daughter could put her arms up and down when we say that to her , and today to our surprise we saw her clapping hands when I recited the rhyme “if you r happy …”, we where so excited and I thought of posting it here today , but the thread was already started when I logged in …(gud coincidence…)…
though my son is not able to do the action he smiles and giggles when we say "arms up " , “clap”, …expecting him to do it very soon with lot of hope am teaching him…

tatooedmommy :

“great news”…its really good to see when babies do something what we teach them …I understand how happy u would be…keep up the good work with your daughter…


Thank you! It must be so much fun with twins, because they can teach eachother. Congratulations on your babies achievements as well!!!

Keep up the good work!

I started YBCR when my baby was 3 months old and faithfully followed the entire program. She started reading action words like “clap” “wave” and “arms up” when she was 9 months old. Since she was not talking yet, I had no way to know whether she could also read the other non-action words so I bought some toy animals. After that, I found out that she could also read the animal names because she would pick the correct toy animal when I showed her the animal name. Now at almost 15 months old, she can read almost all the words in all 5 YBCR videos. I have stopped showing the videos to her because I don’t want her to get bored. I am now doing Little Reader to continue teaching her to read.

Congrats!! :smiley:

Speaking of YBCR, if anyone wants to sell there, i’d be happy to buy :slight_smile:

Congrats to all of you … such a proud moment, indeed.



There’s a new reader in the house! Reading at 5 months old is truely amazing. She is brilliant. You must be thrilled. Keep it up.

Feeling Inspired, Lori

That is so cool!! I remember the first word from ybcr my daughter learned was gorilla!! I was really excited when she made the sign gorilla watching the word in tv. I understand your emotion. It is great!! Keep it up.Don’t forget to reinforce with the books and the flashcards so they don’t forget. :wink:

Yes! I had absolute success with YBCR. My mother-in-law told me about it after she saw it on an infomertial. I went to the website and was convinced quickly to try it. I started my daughter on it at 15 months old. We did one dvd faithfully for 6.5 months. I introduced no flash/word cards as she just crumpled them at the start. We took 4 months off over the summer. She then turned 2 yrs and I introduced the word cards. She got 4 the first night, 8 the next day, 13 later that week and 30 by the end of the month. She is upto 50 words now and going strong. I was so amazed and thrilled, and it has sent me on ths incredible learning journey with her leading me to all of this information on right-brained research and early learning, and Glenn Doman, Brillkids, Tweedlewink…I just wish I had known about all of this for my first two daughters!!! I am planning on continuing her progress with Brillkids Little Reader & Little Math. I am really impressed with this website.

Thats really nice to hear, My son is 18 months and can read the words, if I write on a piece of paper he does the action for arms up, clap and all the body parts, but he doesn,t speak should I be worried? I know that by now he should be talking.