YBCR - Recommended Viewing Time

“The recommended schedule is to have your child watch 1 DVD twice a day. If you can add to this and use a selection of the printed material for 15 - 30mins a day we are confident that you will be amazed at the results.”

While I have no problem using the printed materials 15-30 minutes a day. Watching the DVD 2x/day is almost an hour of viewing time. I’d like to have my daughter watch more of YBCR as I think the sight words would be helpful, but feel like that is a lot. Especially a lot of the same when there is so much for her to learn and be exposed to. If you used YBCR, how frequent did your little one watch it and did they get results?


My first son watched the starter DVD twice a day, starting at 3 months. All the rest he watched 3 times a day (I would put him in front of the TV after breastfeeding, in the bouncer, which helped him not to bring any milk up). I however didn’t start doing flashcards or anything like that until he was almost 8/9 months. I was a bit sceptical that the program would work however we had amazing results. Cooper is almost 3 and is a fantastic reader. I started with brillkids when he was around 12 months. I have a second now who is 4 weeks, and I will do the same with him but definitely start the flash cards straight away.

Danielle, thank you so much for your response. Congratulations on your son’s success!

This makes me want to get her started two times a day. I feel weird sitting her down in front of the computer for so much time, it seems like it worked really well in your schedule after feeding though. My little girl is already 8 months. I wish we had done this more before she was mobile, as she now just wants to go go go. Perhaps we can incorporate some time of rest/YBCR time after eating, just like you did.

How long did you keep this schedule? Like how many days per video did you do this before discontinuing? Or did you just continually introduce and rotate the videos until he was reading?

Anyone else??

Once Cooper was older we would keep him in his highchair after eating while he watched it. It worked well for him at that older age. He was a quick eater so he wasn’t in the chair for to long. If your daughter is a slow eater and you think it would be too long for her to be sitting down, I would show them to her while she is eating. My friend started later and did that, it worked really well for her and her son.

We did the whole schedule which takes you up to nine months if you start at three months. Then we just rotated the DVD’s around. When he was 9 months we dropped the DVD’s down to one or two times a day and I had made up some powerpoints that I did with him…I did that until I found brillkids and then we started on their curriculum. We also bought the your child can read and started him on those just after his first birthday (even though it says suitable for 3+).

He first indicated to us he knew the words around that 9 month mark. That is why we moved on. From memory he didn’t say the words until 11 months but by then he was pointing to everything so we knew he was learning.

Do you have the official schedule as to how long you should watch each video? Do you have the flash cards?

Can I ask if you were doing any other screen time while you were doing YBCR? Computer, iPad, or TV? I’m just trying to figure out a good schedule for my LO, and I’m a bit concerned about screen time. She’s 9 months old and hadn’t had screen time before just a couple of weeks ago.

No screen time other than YBCR for us until he was just over one. I hadn’t discovered Bill Kids until he was 12 months.

This is what we did just for reading:
3 to 12 months - YBCR
~ 12 months - YBCD, YCCD, LR
~ 20 months - continued above and added YCCR
2 1/5 - Started letting him watch other TV shows (Sid the science kid, Peter Weatherall, Word World etc)…and also started Reading Eggs.

We have done other things to do with Maths, Music and Encyclopaedic knowledge but that was the order for teaching him to read. Apart from Little Maths, nothing else involved screen time. The creator of YBCR said not to have them watch anything else so they are more focused when watching his DVD’s, but it’s totally up to you as a parent what works for you and what you think will be most beneficial.

Thanks for that info! I didn’t realize that it was best to try to show YBCR alone, but it makes sense. I’ll have to keep that in mind.
I find it so encouraging that your baby was recognizing words so early on. That’s incredible!!