YBCR and Damon Technique- Confusing for me


I am a mom of 6 months baby , I wanted to know about YBCR and Doman flash card reviews.
In YBCR , we basically show the same video again and agian and it is recommended that we should shuffle the card while flasiing every time.

Hence i am confuse.
Please suggest your views .


I’ll give it a shot here. I just got the How to Teach Your Baby to Read by Doman this evening so I haven’t sat and read the book as of yet. I have read of the method though so I can speak on how the two differenciate. We have the Your Baby Can Read.

Dr. Titzer combines a bit of Doman in with Your Baby Can Read. He takes the work out of having to make your own flashcards and takes it a step farther and puts in on the television. He also combines multisensory learning in that with YBCR , they flash the word ( a bit slower than what Doman recommends but its still very effective), then show a picture of a child doing the action(vocabulary).
They repeat this using different pictures for the words. They also use different font, color , colored backgrounds with the words to show children that the word is still the same no matter what color, font etc, is used. Unlike Doman who seems to like the color red for words.
Another difference is with Your Baby Can Read and Doman is that with Doman he recommends retiring words that are mastered by the child. With YBCR they review those words in upcoming DVD’s. For instance my daughter completed the 1st dvd in as little of 6 days. So we moved on to the 2nd DVD and those same words were added in with new words , but in a different context. So past words are not forgotten. He even suggests that you at least review previous DVD’s at least once or twice a week. This gives the child a chance to really master those words, plus variety as well. I see a big advantage of the YBCR method. My daughter learned the words from the 1st DVD but as we continue to review them they are really solidifying in her brain. Now she recognizes these words wherever she sees them. Whether its on flashcards, in a book , even this evening I pulled up the Brillkids trial on my computer and she recognized most of the words ( with the exceptioon of chin and laug h.) YBCR is very similar to Brillkids with the exception that it does not have word flash.
In the end , even though my daughter is 4yrs old she really loves the YBC R DVD’s. She enjoys the songs that it has in between. It continues to flash words but for her its like taking a quick break before getting back to work.

Thanks TracyR4…

Do you know what is the size of the Flash card used in Doman method for reading, encyclopedia and Maths?

It doesn’t state in the book what size the cards should be. Basically the words should be 3 -inch red ones. Doman doesn’t recommend they be any other color until they begin reading sentences, in which he then says to switch the words to black.
Here is the daily program in the book:

Daily Content 5 sets ( so start with 5 words only and flash them quickly but not to fast or to slow)

One Session 1 set (5 words) shown once

Frequency : 3 X daily each set ( Doman recommends 3 times where YBCR recommends twice a day)

Intensity: 3 inch red words (where as YBCR introduces words in different colors and font from the beginning)

Duration : 5 seconds

New Words: 5 daily ( 1 in each set),

Retired Words ( 5 daily from each set), meaning that you don’t review words

Life Span of Each Word : 3 X daily for 5 days =15x’s

Principle: Always stop before your child wants to stop.

Thanks Tracy4…
Here is my understanding…

I have to start with 5 sets of 5 words i.e. 25 words
Show that 5 sets i.e. 25 words 3 times a day.
Then retire 1 word from each set and add new word in each set.
Please let me know if my understanding is correct.

It would be you start with 5 words/flashcards. You will do this 3 times a day for 5 days. So you will have done this 15 times.
You will replace a those 5 cards with 5 new cards the following week and so on.
So you will only work with 5 words at a time all week long , then drop those cards, and then replace them with 5 new cards.

Thanks Tracy4…
Another query :

  1. Should i use just word or word with pictures
  2. Should i use ppt or hand made flash cards

Okay. So sorry to take so long to get back to you. I really needed to read the book better to give you more accurate answers to your questions.

The first answer to your first question is that the cards should be 4’ inch by 24’ inch strips. So they are long strips of paper and wide.
They should be made using red felt tip marker , the wider the tip the better.
Make letters 3" inch high
user lower case letters , except for proper nouns
Make sure letters are bold using a 1/2 wide stroke or wider with a border of 1/2 inch around
Write the word on the back of the card so when you show your child the word you don’t have to flip it around to see what it is
Begin with large red words you will eventually progress to normal sized black lower case letters
Make cards ahead of time. Create 200 words using favorite foods, immediate family, pets, objects in the house, favorite activities etc.

The answer to your second question on how many cards /times to etc:

Start with 15 words. This will be 5 words in each set , three times a day.
Make sure that where you do it its nondistracting
Hold card up and say the word is Mommy, say " This is the word Mommy" etc. flash cards in 1 second intervals

The 2nd day repeat the basic session above three times in the day , should be no more than at least one and half hours apart.
Add a second set of 5 new words making a total of 6 sessions

On day three add new set of five word
Now you are teaching your child three sets of reading words , five words in each set, 3 times per day.

Following , remove 1 word from each set group that has been taught for 5 days. Replace with 1 new word

So replace 1 new word in each set, then replace 1 new word each daily, write date on back of the card so you know when you have started them.

Thanks Tracy4…
Another query :

  1. Should i use just word or word with pictures

  2. Should i use ppt or hand made flash cards

  3. At first you need to use just words. Then as your child starts to learn the words then add pictures This is according to Doman. Personally with the other programs out there and the fact that Powerpoint, or clipart wasn’t even invented at the time Doman wrote his book. I think he would say that it doesn’t matter. I would at least teach the words the first few sessions only then introduce pictures. It depends on the age of the child. You can easily teach the words with out pictures for some time with babies. Toddlers and young children you would need pictures much more quickly to keep their attention.

  4. You can use whatever you have at your disposal. Like I said Powerpoint , or even the home computer wasn’t invented at the time Doman wrote his book. We have technology at our disposal so by all means if you know how to do Powerpoint go for it! If you want to sit and make flashcards, go for it!
    Just look at Brillkids Little Reader. They use Powerpoint and have everything already done for you.

I’ve made flashcards but am starting to use Powerpoint much more. Either way they will learn to read.

  1. At first you need to use just words. Then as your child starts to learn the words then add pictures This is according to Doman. Personally with the other programs out there and the fact that Powerpoint, or clipart wasn’t even invented at the time Doman wrote his book. I think he would say that it doesn’t matter. I would at least teach the words the first few sessions only then introduce pictures. It depends on the age of the child. You can easily teach the words with out pictures for some time with babies. Toddlers and young children you would need pictures much more quickly to keep their attention.

  2. You can use whatever you have at your disposal. Like I said Powerpoint , or even the home computer wasn’t invented at the time Doman wrote his book. We have technology at our disposal so by all means if you know how to do Powerpoint go for it! If you want to sit and make flashcards, go for it!
    Just look at Brillkids Little Reader. They use Powerpoint and have everything already done for you.

I’ve made flashcards but am starting to use Powerpoint much more. Either way they will learn to read.
Thanks Tracy4…
The main issue which i see in ppt is the sound…
Do you know any resource where i can download the voice of a word…
Suppose in ppt if ‘dog’ comes then the the sound should also come. saying ‘dog’

If you have the Microsoft Powerpoint 2007 you can record your voice for the word onto your Powerpoint. You would click on Slide Show ( at the top) and then click on Record Narration.
Not sure if the earlier versions have this or not.
As for arrows, well I haven’t figured that out yet. I’m not sure if you can do it on Powerpoint yet or not.
But you can record narrations .
All you do is make your slide show presentation, then click Slide Show at the top , then record narration and voila!
I figured it out one day when I saw the slide shows on here and thought" I wonder if I can do this with my powerpoint too." and sure enough I could :yes:

Hi Tracy4,

The problem for me recording is that my pronunciation is not so good…

That’s why iam refraining from recording my voice…

Any suggstion for any other resource…

Also forgot to mention if you have a desktop you would need to have a microphone. If you have a laptop you can just record the sound.

Hi Tracy4,

The problem for me recording is that my pronunciation is not so good…

That’s why i am refraining from recording my voice…

Any suggstion for any other resource…