writing a book?

I will like to write a book for kids, dedicated to my baby, so in the future she will have something to read creation mine.I don’t know where to start?

Brainstorm. What do you want your child to learn? Make a list of possible subjects for each book.


Stories on potty training, sharing, telling the truth, being nice to others, etc.

Here is a book you buy to help you get started. http://www.amazon.com/How-Write-Childrens-Book-Published/dp/0684193434

Depending on if you want to publish it or just make it for your own kids. I have made a couple of books for my son by using photography software. I downloaded www.clickphotobooks.com.au as it was from my country and would save on postage, but there are heaps of these type of companies around. It is also really simple to use and heaps of fun. I’m making several books with the alphabet right now. For instance ABC is one book of 24 pages. The first page is a ‘this book belongs to’ page then on the back of it (ie Page 2) is the word ‘apple’ in lower case, large type in the middle of the page. Then on the page next to it (page 3) is the sentence ‘A is for apples’ at the bottom of the page. This way I’m incorporating plural. Above it is a good photograph of a close up apple I downloaded for free from a photography exchange website. Then next to that is a photo of my husband and son holding apples. The next page in the same format is ant, ball, bike, cat, etc. You only pay when you get the books printed and buying more than one gives you discounts for bulk.

You can make anything with these programs, and it gives you a chance to put photos in a keepsake book for years and years. Dog enables you to put in a photo of your own dog, cat, the neighbours cat, baby, a photo of your child when they were a newborn, hat when they were at the beach with a hat on. etc etc. It’s just endless and heaps of fun. I do leave out words that are too hard to get a photo of one of us with such as Crocodile! but that’s only because I don’t know how to use photoshop. But if you do, imagin what you could do then…

awesome ideas!!!Thank you guys…yes I will like to write a fun book for kids and publish it…it is one on the tons of dreams that I have. :ph34r:
Karma to both of you!!

nice idea :slight_smile:
what do you need to be a good children books author?


I have published several kids books through self publishing. However I am currently working on a plan with a publisher here in the USA to publish board books. I am contacting him often to see the results and the cost.

great idea. Thanks a lot. I’ve actually been thinking of making a book for my kids in our native language and just not sure how to o about it. I was actually just going o take pictures of body parts and stick labels on it - not very creative I know! I actually want to make it in a way that’s fun for them to read and also durable, so maybe they can pass it on to their kids as well.
Jillpea,thanks forn the link. I like in the UK and I’m not sure if they can ship all the way here. Would you know of any other software one can use and I can print at home or something.

thanks a lot guys. really appreciate everyone’s input.