
I cant believe how much i have to learn about teaching my child. I was amazed when i watched the videos of babies reading at a young age as you never think about it…thanks for opening my eyes!

I know! I wish that I would have found this site earlier. It is also great to see other people’s blogs about what they do. When my first son was born two years ago I had found the Doman books at my local library. I read them, however, I really couldn’t find any information other than their institute website for more information. I thought that I was crazy for wanting to engage in this kind of activity with my infant. I never really ended up doing any of the program for this reason and because my son was kind of difficult for me because he cried a lot and wanted to be held all the time. Maybe this was a sign that he NEEDED something more stimulating, however I guess I will never really know.

Now with my second child, who is now three months old, I have explored the Doman option more. This time I have found tons of information that I didn’t find two years ago. My second baby is way more easy going than my first so it has been more of a happy experience.

Even though I am starting Doman with a now two-year-old, I can already see the benefits of the time that we spend together learning. He says “ma-a” for and “bye bye” (his version of caballo) horse. He makes more noises for animals than he did before. He says almost every word that is last in a playlist. He gets so excited to do words “weeeeerrrrds” that it is a joy to see him so happy. He was shaking with happiness when we were wathing a movie about Saturn’s rings, and he got to see how the rings were probably formed. He was making crashing noises and was so happy. This would not happen at all if I just set him in front of the television to watch Bob the Builder or dare I say it, Thomas (okay so sometimes I do :blush: )!

My three-month-old loves LR and coos to the screen. For the most part, we do little reader together to save time and to make it a family experience.

Because I have seen how happy my boys are when I spend time with them learning, I’m in a mad search for more information. Currently, I’m reading How to Teach Your Baby to be Physically Superb, I’m listening to Pimsleur Modern Greek CDs on my commute to work and school, am taking German at the local community college, reading information about the best way to go about learning music, and am in the search for easy Montessori activities that I can do with my toddler.

I feel very overwhelmed with all the new information. I can’t read about things quick enough. It is so interesting and enlightening. It has been equally satisfying to see that there are other like-minded mothers out there. I thought that I was just weird for wanting to share with my little ones everything that I know especially at such an early age.

So far, I think that some of the best resources that I have found to help me in this journey are the following:

  1. This website of course!
  2. Doman’s books of course!
  3. The movies on the IAHP website that show bits and pieces of how their program is implemented
  5. Doman mom (Elizabeth)
  6. Another awesome blogspot by texas lady