I am so glad I came across this website.
I am 32 with a 15 yr old a 13 yr old & a 9months old. I home schooled my older boys for about 6 yrs & I plan to do the same with my daughter. I have found so much information here that I could have used long ago. After reading many of the posts in the forums I realize this is going to be a great place to visit daily. There is so much information.
Thanks everyone I can not wait to get started.


Dear BaileysMama,
Welcome to this wonderful forum. You will find valuable information and experience from people all over the world. I still find this amazing. You will also have the opportunity of knowing some of them and making friends. I am a peruvian grandma of a 3.5 year old boy who has been giving me a lot of joy. I am a very very happy grandma. I work with my husband but when my grandson arrives i leave everything to be with him. :yes: :yes:

Hope to hear from you soon and WELCOME again. :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum!