Would you do more ELE with no.2 than no. 1 because you now kow more?

My husband and I are now thinking about planning for no. 2, and since having my first dd, I have learnt so much more about early childhood education that I would like to do more with no 2.

For example use babyplus, start encyclopedia knowledge earlier, do a stronger physical programme etc etc, but I wonder if this is unfair on no. 1 because it might give no.2 more advantages and I would like to think that when no 2 comes along that I would treat them as fair and equal as possible.

Have any of you done more with your younger children than you have with your older children, have there been better results with the subsequent children? Does the older child feel as if you have given more to the younger child?

What are your thoughts?

I am planning on doing more with grandchild number two on the way. I have learned so much working with grandchild number one that I hope to improve and start much earlier with number two. I think teaching the second child more will help the first child improve.

Has anyone used Babyplus? Did you read the reviews on Amazon about hearing loss?

Kimba…I have experienced that…it’s normal. I found my first got alot of what I knew then, then the second got more due to my knowledge but less due to my divided time. The third…well, I was run off my feet. The fourth, many years later, has the benefit of Brillkids etc and all my recently acquired knowledge. But my 5th has more benefits. but less of my time because it is shared with the 4th kid, and the others too also though they can fend for themselves a lot. So dont feel guilty using more knowledge to benefit your second child, because the lack of time to input that info as compared to the first child will even things up more.
The older kids do feel jealous of the younger ones, but you dont want the younger ones resenting the older ones for making you hold back on what you could have been doing. And resenting you for knowing what you couldve and shouldve been doing with them but not doing it. And you dont want to feel ripped off yourself for not being able to apply new things you’ve learned about.

I will be a lot more organised and do, maybe not a lot more, but start early and be more effective instead of being all over the place and ‘achieve’ nothing.

Hi Patrieche,

Can you please post the review on amazon on brillkids because I would like to read about it but I went to amazon and i couldn’t find the review.