Working mum - no time for session 2?

Hi all,

Like the title says I’m a working mum and don’t have time to show both sessions to lo in the evening before her bedtime. Actually, I could technically fit them in but they would be very close together and I know she wouldn’t have the interest… So I’m just wondering if I should leave session 2 out altogether or show it the next day? (Then she’d only be getting a new lesson every second day?)

TIA for any advice - we are very new to this, lo is 9 months old. I’ve just been reading posts about people doing 6 curriculums with their babies - makes my head spin, where do ye find the time?! :wacko: lol

I think one session per evening is better than both sessions, two sessions so close might bore your kid. Maybe you could try two sessions if she is very keen to learn on that night. A better option for you I think is combining LR with another method, for example Flash Cards and Powerpoints, so that learning becomes a diverse experience for her and also more fun.

Btw, I’m in the same boat as you are. My kid already could read Vietnamese, her native language, when she turned 18 months old, but I’m teaching her to read English and I teach her one session a day, due to my lack of time as a working mum. I also combine various methods such as books (by pointing at the words as I read to her) and the Internet (reading teaching sites such as Literactive). She can read quite a few simple English sentences at the age of 30 months. So no worries about the lack of time, just do your best! Looking forward to hearing more about your progress with baby in the future!

The way curriculum is built is that if need be you can show just one session a day and progress to the next day. That what we do. If you prefer more repetition, then you can show session 1 during day 1 and session 2 during the day 2 and so on. But for us it worked better to show just one session a day. Some days we do more then one session, but even then we are progressing to the next day instead of session 2. It kept their interest better, and review already built into the course.