Working moms

I’m a proud mommy of a 5-month old baby. Just 2 months ago, I went back to work. Sometimes, it gets too overwhelming at work. When I get home, I tried to clean up the house. Then I get so so tired. I felt like I don’t spend enough time with my son! Any tip how to manage time. How does other mom do it? -Guilty mom

Hi there,
im sorry you feel GUILTY!
i’m a sit home mom, i even get tired of cleaning the house and cooking and playing with my lil girl she 15 month old its not easy doing all of that…i think what u can do is set a day for cleaning and house shore have ur son go with daddy for couple of hours that way that would be out of ur way…as for spending time with ur lil angle on ur lunch break go and see him spend the hour with him…you can also have the weekend for the both of you…i hope i helped you :blush:


I can relate to that, I had the same issues plus I was a horrible homemaker to begin with .so with the added responsibility of parenting, needless to say, it was hard.

But I tried using tips from ‘ or .net’ really helped me. . Also , involve your child . I know your baby is too little to “help” you but provide a running commentary for her as you work, tlak about what you are doing, it will increase her vocabulary as well. So you entertain her/him and finish your work at the same time.

Later when your child is old enough , encourage basic activities, cleaning up after himself, sorting silverware into compartments, sorting laundry, . these are great hands on tasks .

Hi Saniso and Gina, thank you so much for the advise. I am glad somebody can relate with what I am going through. It is so difficult not to have my close relatives to help me. I will definitely follow your advise. Thanks!

I’m a stay at home mom and even I don’t think that I spend enough time with my son.

hi wintermommy

it’s really true that to be a worker,a wife and a mom always feel tired and exhausted. The same thing happened to me.I have 2 daughter which is 1 and 7 month & 7 month. everyday I’m trying my best to do the best,committed at work and committed to family. finally I found that what important is I must try to more relax and enjoy on what I’m doing.Do not worry to much complete the house work;as u know,cleaning or cooking job will never end :slight_smile: just find an exciting way or activities that u can do to spend time with ur baby.makes baby feel happy,then u will feel happy too.the development of baby is more important than anything else in this world. :biggrin:

hope to share experience with parents here!

Pretty soon it will be easier to involve the baby in everything that you do. I sling mine while I’m doing chores which helps. I work full time in addition to going to school so I definitely know how you feel about not spending enough time at home. Try to involve your husband with chores as much as you are comfortable. I’m horrible with this one, and I think that a lot of men still think that women should do all the housework so it’s especially difficult.

Some things that my family has tried and works are:

I have streamlined some of my chores such as laundry by having a “family closet.”

Also we have done once a month cooking in order to save time and money on food preparation.

i am a working mum and in order to spend more time and good quality time that is , with kids, i think it is okay to ‘slack’ a little with the housework…
get husband to help for little stuffs and i get a part time maid that comes in once a week for 2 hours just wiping the whole house clean.

never mind about things being misplaced… as long as house is clean. that’s fine.

it is important not to be too tired, otherwise, will be too crank and even if spend time with my baby, it won’t be quality time as i’d be too tired.

i tried to get her to be around with everything i do, like even… surfing the net, i’d let her watch the powerpoint flash card in between.

hi i’m also a working mom … i also advice that you pick one day to clean up… and if you can get the parenting magazine there is an article that gives some advice. I liked this one: “if it takes 30 seconds or less to do a job, then do it emmediately. Put the scissors back…” i think most of our mess is because we don’t put things on it’s place right away.

Also, you need to be relaxed to enjoy the time with your baby… it’s the quality of time what it counts… not the amount… i asked my husband for a night off and he also gets a night off to go to the gym and out with friends… we also have a day to go on a date… this has helped us to relax, take the time for us, take some individually time so we can enjoy the time with our little one
