Working Moms - How do you do it all?

Any ideas of how to integrate all the programs with your children while keeping up with a job, house chores, and keeping the family together? I also need my sleep because otherwise I am not very useful. I feel LR Curriculum is a blessing! My 3 yr. old son and I do it at night before bedtime but sometimes we only do it once a day. Better than nothing, right? I struggle trying to do it all and the guilt of knowing that he could be doing so much more. (I do have 2 other kids, 9 and 13 that need very different things right now.)

You just do what you can. I used to try to fit everything in every day and would get bummed out if we couldn’t do it all. Now I just do what I can and know that it’s more than most parents do with their child.

i teach only reading and math so far…5 cards. 2 reading sessions and 1 math. once in the morning before going to work, once after dinner around 7pm and once before she falls asleep around 9pm. she loves the reading session but not the math. :mellow: oh yaa…if she is not up in the morning, before i leave for work, then i wake her up… heeheeh :yes: she most of the time is up on her own.

i feel going slow and being colnsistent is more important then pressuring yourself and not doing it at all. and there are days like today when i don’t get anything done because i got home too late :ph34r:

i hope this helps. let us know your progress. i can understand how difficult it can be. good luck!

i just started teaching math and reading… i think you can combine 1 math and 1 reading in a session.

here’s my schedule, hope this helps (but it’s still hard to get all sessions done, sometimes I’d just miss one or two sessions - don’t wanna force her to do it all):

Before going to work 7am: 1 math, 1 reading
After Work ard 6pm: 1 math, 1 reading
After dinner ard 7pm: 1 math, 1 reading
After her last meal ard 8pm: 1math

Each session is less than 2min, and it’s really funny to see her facial expression when I clap my hands and praise her when the session is done … she looks blank and don’t understand why I’m clapping for her since she hasn’t done anything!! lol Wonder if same thing happens to you?!

Also, just wondering, there are 9 sessions for Math per day from Day 6 onwards, do I have to finish all 9 within 1 day? Or can I divide them into 2 or 3 days?

I too was wondering how to fit it all in. I’ve got some great ideas from your post. So far what we have been doing is if time allows we have been watching a twiddlewink lesson of a morning, then after dinner doing 1 reading and 1 math session on the flashcards. With dinner, bathtimes, getting lunches ready, it seems like there is nowhere else to fit it in, but maybe I can try one just before bed. Do you think that will stimulate his mind too much and make sleep that little more difficult? He does love both the reading and the maths cards and gets so excited when we do them.