working mom or stay at home?

Lucky you that can bring your baby everywhere I’m a teacher and I have to leave her home with my mom fortunately I work in the morning until 3 pm then I go to work to the university until 7:00 well I am going to do it until I can do it but I want to rid of one of the jobs so I can be with her its hard to do it

Wow, so good. For me, I have no choice. I will work as per office hrs. The only timing I can with him is early in the morning for about 15 mins before bring him to nany and night time after 7.30pm. However, he needs to sleep about 10pm. So, not much time with him. Only weekend is our gathering day. Thus, I will ask the nanny to show him the flash card. Nevertheless, I feel that I really cant just stay home and take care of him. I like working life but after office hrs must be my personal time :slight_smile:

Yoga & swimming is my favourite sport activity. Thats great to know a yoga instructor here. Where are all located?

i’m in pennsylvania.

and i do feel really lucky to be able to take hawk to work with me. there were places where i worked where they did not want him with me, they wanted me to put him in the day care which we didn’t want to do.

so, i only kept those jobs where i could take my baby boy, and it’s working out great.

With my first one I worked after my six weeks maternaty leave for about 4 months and only 4 hours a day he would stay with my mother or my grandmother in law. I hated it.Pluse I breastfeed and hadd to break away from work to pump!!! :tongue: Well then hubby joine Air Force and he graduated boot camp day after thanks giving. Working at wal mart that is the biggest sales day of the year well that left me no choice but to quite since I could have the week before and the week after just not that day off. I have been a stay at home mom ever since have two boys now and I love it. yes sometimes I let cleaning and reading and internet get in the way but most days i just read read read and play with them all day. But do what works for your family and what will make you and hubby happiest. I say ask hubby what he wants adn go from there

i am lucky because i run a mom and baby class. my baby comes with me to class. my helper is there as well. he participates in the class and if he is not up to it my helper takes him outside.

its nice knowing that i can be with him and teaching kids with their moms around is also nice. it gets monotonous as work overlaps with home so there really isnt a seperation from the 2 but it suits our life right now and ofcourse i enjoy it

I stay at home mom … Running after my 4 kids and cleaning, cooking, ironing, etc… … I am never paid by it. But I enjoy playing role as a MOM… :smiley:

When I got pregnant after a miscarriage, we decided that I should take a leave
to rest and watch my pregnancy carefully.
When our son was born, my husband thought that it is best if I should personally
take care of him.

It is really some kind of work that I never imagined to be
this tough but I enjoyed and loved it.

I think when he reached 6 or 7 I can get back to work. I also miss working…

I stay at home and love it so far

I have a flexible part-time job so I can work from home except for meetings. It’s hard but it’s ideal for me now.

At the moment I am a stay at home mum and I love it. I return to work in May part time which is not so bad. 3 days a week so i will have 4 days with her my mother in law will look after her 1 day a week and day care for 2 days.

I wish I could be with Sophia fulltime until she went to school but unfortunatly the bank needs us to pay the mortgage.


I’m a stay at home mom, who works from home (on my own time). My husband and I worked very hard to put us in this position as it was very important to each of us that a parent be home. In fact, there is no other option - if forces were against us, we would sacrifice our lifestyle in a heartbeat to give this to her.

I work or stay home and have a lack of excess. When the economy was not enough so a mother can choose to be a career woman in order to meet the needs. In this case at the time the mother returned to work should be the quality of communication with the baby.

However, when the economy enough so a mother should choose to stay home and see the baby’s growth every time.

So, work or live at home depends on economic conditions.

it really depends on your choice. How much you love your work, are you willing to sacrifice your time to be with your baby as taking care of a baby involves a lot of time (as we are 24 hr working mum) If you are not ready, it can be very frustrating to be a stay home mum and take care of your baby. This happen to me : i thought i am ready,in the end i suffered drepression, i am alone caring for my baby without anyone help. During my first week, i totally rejected my baby out of fear…gradually getting used to it toward second month yet with a resentment. I lost my motivation, i didnt know what i want…i got depressed thinking of leaving him to childcare / with someone else and i am crazy bored staying at home! Now he s 6 months and i am happily getting used to it. Thank god i have found this website where i get all those inspiration parenting ideas.

You should try to care for him for at least a month / at least few weeks to experience homestay mum

I am a working mom. I started work when my daughter was 8 months old… My in-laws took care of her when i was away at work. But, my work requires me to be out almost 10-12 hours per day ans it is getting really stressful, I dont find time to play or teach her anything new… When I want to show her LR, she is tired and wants to sleep. So, i am wondering whether i should purchase LR or not… investing so much in it and if i am not able to utilize it…

But, i am trying my best…

Dear All,

I am a Professional mom to Sarah & Salma, ages 19 months. I am incredibly grateful to be able to stay at home and help them with early education methodologies discussed here. Prior to marriage 7 1/2 years ago, I worked full-time and was attending school part-time. And after marriage, work became a choice and I decided to work part-time for about a year. And then I stayed at home to pursue personal interests at which time I then had the unexpected responsibility of taking care of my husband’s daughter’s children from birth for the last six years (now 6 and 4). And the girls were born 19 months ago. It has not been easy, to say the least, yet rewarding in unimaginable ways.

There were and are times that I want to work for a variety of reasons already mentioned. However, for me personally, I realize it is really cabin-fever setting in and I need to get out and have some “me” time. Now that I have discovered this incredible e-community of others “taking the road less traveled” and successfully using early education methods with their children, I am determined to stay at home until they start grade school, God willing. If at that point I am still interested in work, it will only be part-time while they are in school.

For those, such as Marie, who have attended IAHP’s course, would you please elaborate on it for us? I was delighted when I realized that I live 10 minutes from IAHP and am hoping to attend the end of March course. However, I currently have the Deluxe Kits for the Reading and Math programs, and just ordered the Physical Superbness book moments ago.

I am in the midst of creating the flashcards in LR for the reading program for English and Arabic (classical and modern standard), and then I will devour the Math program materials (and hopefully Little Math will be out soon?), and add it within a month, followed by Encyclopedic knowledge, and the Physical program. I would like to know how Marie and others are incorporating all the programs into their schedule. Marie mentioned a checklist that I would be interested in seeing an example of, please. I also have DomanMom’s math link for the schedules she created. I want to be able to incorporate the programs one at a time and would like advice on how to do this as a stay-at-home mom.

And on the other hand, should I have work for unforeseen circumstances, how can I still accomplish the same goals? Time is obviously a factor, as well as how much help you have. In Marie’s case - this seems like the ideal. In your opinions, I am curious as to what is actually learned at IAHP courses that is not in the books? I am aware of the psychological impact of meeting Mr. Doman and Mrs. Janet Doman and the children at IAHP that you cannot get from the books, and so forth.

  • Ayesha

I work 36 hours a week in a full time job but I am fortunate to have a job that I work nights on the week end 12 hour shifts and I usually get to sleep 6 hours each night so that I feel like I am almost a SAHM. I would never trade my job for another that worked me days because I love spending the days with my children. I feel fortunate for my job and the hours I work since we need my income. If it wasn’t needed I would not work but I would be a SAHM.