
Thought I’d pass this along. We will be starting with workboxes in January. I have high hopes that by then all my homeschool material will be in one place and I’ll be better organized. If you aren’t sure or don’t know about workboxes I’ll direct you here : to get an idea. You can search on the internet to get an idea of how other parents are using it. I like the visual method for little folks seen here - with a bunch of free printables to get you organized.

I’ve been using a very modified version of the workboxes for my own sake - otherwise I’d lose my marbles. After reading Sue’s book (not sure it is necessary) I can see how it helps a toddler stay focused and directed.

I think we might be doing this method also. Not sure if I want to do the cart. Or I might stick the work in a folder and have him complete it that way.

We did workboxes for awhile and it was great. I didn’t have a box for every child, but we did have most of our together school in it, and it was helpful to go through the box throughout the day. I stopped when I had this last baby, and frankly, I need to get organized again. I liked putting together a curriculum on Saturday for the whole week, and not worrying about it after that. Now we haphazardly do a little of everything every day, and the job gets done, most of the time.

In short, workboxes work as long as you stay on top of it. Otherwise, you have empty boxes marked with each day of the week that sit empty or fill themselves up with other junk. :wub:

Thank you for the reminder! I have this system all set up, I just need to use it again. :slight_smile:

Here is what my system looked like in its peak:

We still have our totes with the puzzles and such in place, and storing them by the kitchen table has really been a blessing. It’s nice to give the little ones something to do while I cook.

Tamsyn, thanks for sharing. I have all my homeschooling stuff away from my living area - kids stay out of it that way. That is a the plus…but kids stay out of it that way…that is a minus. I like your setup, though I’m not sure I want it in my kitchen.