wonderful website

i found this website very useful

Thanks for the links Zaku.

The article she wrote about flash cards is interesting to???

The article was scary, which just reinforces for me not to get stuck in one method of teaching, but using a variety of methods, to make it enjoyable and to capitalise on the strengths of those methods and minimise the effects of possible weaknesses.

i was interested in the collections, i did not read that article, sorry for that :frowning: i agree with you nikita.

The bits are fantastic, but Nikita you are right it is important to incorporate many different techniques to counter-act any weaknesses in other methods.

I have been in this website before ( I think this was also recommended by one of the members here
that’s why I found it. ) Lucky me i opened this thread. I really tried to remember this website for so long
because this is really very good.

The ‘The Flash Cards Approach’ is always been a reminder.
I think it is really worth to be read by all of the members here.

This website has great materials. I was looking at the BITS and I’m not sure how you are supposed to show it to your baby when it has a lot of information. Let’s take as an example “Bones of the Human Body” all the slides are great, but how do you show them to your baby? Each slide has a lot of information and the printing is very small. I just don’t really know much about the subject, so I’m not sure if their “photographic memory” would register the image and deduce the information in small printing :wacko:

Hope some has the answer… :blush:

i visit the website… really great!! As what i do, i just directly flash and read by myself using computer for my son.If for print out, it’s tooo small for view. My son very concentrate when i show him those Bit thru computer.

Yeah, I have enjoyed looking through her website. Her website has made me be more careful about the flashcard approach. That is why I like to do at least a couple different methods with my little ones.

I love this website for bits but have never read this article everyone is talking about. I will have to go back and check it out.

That’s an wonderful website thanks …

wow… thanks.

I found it a little difficult to find the flash cards article on the site, so I thought I’d post a separate link for anyone else who had trouble.


Just a little note–I am not demeaning the author for her opinion, or belittling the enormous pile of information she has painstakingly accumulated and graciously shared to make things easier for others.

But on the page http://theclassicalmommy.com/wheretostartIN.html where she discusses values and priorities, she makes a rather bold statement, “If you share the Christian Faith, then the only alternative obedient to your Faith is to ‎educate children at home.”

Now I understand that this is her website and she has the right to believe this and to promote it, but I put this out there to demonstrate that this is a person who has no problem generalizing her experience to make blanket statements about the rest of the world, so just keep this in mind when reading her other opinions.