Wonderful cartoons in Spanish about the History that can be seen for free

Hi to all !

There is a great animation serie called "Once Upon a Time… the man " (Erase una vez el hombre) that explains the history of humakind since Prehistory up to now (and even the future). It comprises the Greeks, the Romans, the Discovery of America…

I saw the cartoon when I was a kid and I just loved it. It was done in 1978 by a French company in co-production from other companies of all around the world (mainly public TVs such as Television Española).

It is not for anybody who starts with Spanish but for somebody who has some level.

A link to all the chapters is:

A general introduction in English to it is:


Even if you do not speak Spanish, you should watch the opening. It summarizes in jus 1:30 minutes our History and the evolution. Amazing !


Really … do not miss it !

Enjoy !!!