Wishlist.com / Pintrest

I have a never ending list of “school supply” needs, either things I would like right now or planning for the future. I have them written down, but for convenience and sharing with Grandma or even other early learning parents, I figured I could track it on an online registry. www.wishlist.com is really easy and allows you to install a button on your toolbar. When you come across something you like online, just click it, add a few details, and it’s saved for you. I am always hearing about neat products on the forum that I forget about if I don’t write it down and this makes it that much easier. So, I thought I would share in case anyone else may find it useful.

Also, I just learned about www.Pintrest.com recently. Is anyone here using it and if so, what do you think?

I love it! My daughters bday was in December and I went round and round with my family for this and Xmas ideas…I am SO tired of junk! I actually have a shelf in the closet full of unopened toys, even after donating a ton to charity on Xmas! My family all lives Oceans away, have no clue what my kid actually likes, and insists on purchasing a lot of moneys worth of crap!
I finally convinced family to do either ITunes gift cards (for new apps and music!) or gift cards to Amazon… But their major complaint is that they want to send something tangible…I think this will be wonderful! And save me from that whole 'To re-gift or not to Re-gift dilemma!

Oddly enough, because my kiddos bday is beginning of December, I had this idea for her party…with Cmas around the corner, and a HOUSEFUL of stuff already, I planned a ‘Book Party’. The idea was that instead of bringing a gift guaranteed to make a huge mess, an extremely lud noise, or end up being consigned to the re-gifting closet, I asked every guest to bring a copy of their child’s favorite book! We would then play a game to exchange them, so that every kid would go home with a new book as a party favor…I thought this was an absolutely INSPIRED idea…until I received complaints from other parents and heard gossip a out how I was trying to tell other parents what they should bring as a present…Huh? I actually thought they would be pleased as it eliminates the need to spend very much on a present! At least where I live, even two-year-olds are judged on the basis of what their parents bring as a gift!!! I had actually wanted to do away with gifts altogether and donate the money to a charity as we did when she turned one, but I was told by two separate parents that it is ‘part of their educational growth’, to take a present to a party and know they gave it to some kid…again, huh??

Does this seem strange to anyone but me? Thanks TeachingMyToddlers for another alternative!

Ooooh… I would love to see that wishlist of yours, TmT! :wink: :laugh:

I just started it tonight so it’s pretty empty. But when it gets full maybe I’ll share it…just don’t show my husband, he’d have a conniption lol

Oh kerileanne I understand that party present dilema! I managed to get around it three times so far. Once I had a combined party in the park for all my kids ( as lots of their friends are related/siblings) I put on the invite that I considered my kids to be totally spoilt already and as such didn’t want more toys for their overflowing toy room ( most parents had been to my house and knew this to be true! :slight_smile: ) I then said the kids were saving up for something big and would love to reach their goal sooner. I also set a money limit of half what I knew they would all give us, as I also knew they would do it for all three kids! I told them I would be handing out change on the day if they gave me too much! Lol it worked a treat! A few parents gave money and clothes but overall we got cash in a card and the cards were really well written with beautiful messages.
The second time we wanted to progress from duplo to Lego so I put on the invite that we wanted more Lego as we havnt yet got our tower to hit the roof! We got loads of Lego! The kids were very happy as was I.
Third time was close friends only and I told them all my girl wanted was a slippery dip and if they didn’t mind could they all chip in and deliver it on the day as a very special surprise. this time even I was surprised! They got a very big one lol
As to the poetry, I read a few Aussie classics especially at Christmas time ( seems to be a common theme in them) and we have a number of riddle and rhyme books. Plus a few books with both stories and poems mixed through out. Rhyming poetry is very good basic sound/ear training and yes so are the nursery rhymes. I wrote a lot of poetry as a teenager, books and books full. So I will probably encourage it as an activity when my kids are older.

I love Pintrest think its such a fun, easy to use website/blog/moodboard for images. I get addicted to browsing images in the evenings after the kids have gone to bed. I love getting tips for cooking and receipes especially. I have been looking for gifts ideas for my mother of the children and was thinking a photo frame with their pictures, I ahve tried Photobox but really wanted a canvas printed, then I found this great site for photos to be printed on canvases. :slight_smile: :slight_smile:
I think they will love it, am even thinking of getting some for our home too!

Thanks for the link to Wishlist. That looks great! I’ve just joined :slight_smile:

Pinterest is fantastic but be warned, it can take up your time! The home ideas are great. It is amazing to see the clever things that some people come up with. I also love the photography and quotes.

Enjoy it!

I had never heard of it, but wishlist.com is a great idea. I also live far away from family & friends so this will be really handy. I love the itunes gift card idea although I understand the wanting to give something tangible.

Why on earth would a book party go down the wrong way? I don’t get some people. My little boy was invited to his first birthday party, people we don’t really know, the other week & I went & got a little present… then reread the invite & it said “cash only” at the bottom. Now, I don’t mind contributing towards something specific, I think that’s really sensible & then you know that it will get used… but it was a bit blatant in the way it was worded. I felt I should just give them my credit card details :slight_smile:

mandabplus3 - I had to google “slippery dip” lol

I like Pinterest because I always pinned pictures of my son on that platform. Yes, I am a very proud mother.