Will LM do the job of Doman math dots?

I was wondering …if I need to show doman math dots on top of showing LM lessons to my baby? does it make a difference if we are using red dots or other icons like in LM?? Will I still get the results if I use just LM?

I don’t see it hurting to do both, if you have both on hand. It will also make it easy to stay on track/know whats next in the program. Or re-inforce what you did on LM today, you could keep the days DM card quantities out where baby can access them.

For example, if they showed 11x3 is 33. Take out 11, 3 and 33 DM math cards and when baby plays with them, say “Yeah, 11x3 is 33!”

My understanding is that LM is just Electronic Doman Math, I might be wrong, I never tried it out…

Okay, editing to say that LM and DM are different.

LM doesn’t seem to follow the DM schedule. I just went through the Free trial of LM and watched the lessons for the first 10 days and if I remember correctly DM introduces and retires cards on a 3 day schedule. but LM seems to be doing things on a 4-5 day schedule. Also, I believe that in DM 0 is the LAST thing introduced, after 100, but in LM they introduce 0 early on, I think on day 2 or 3.

If I had the Doman math cards and LM, I’d use them both, without modifying either schedule, especially if I were beginning with a younger baby because I’d have time to complete both programs.

My personal plan is to use DM from 2 months and LM from about 4 months, and to complete both programs. I also want to begin a strong Montessori Math program with my children at about 18 months.

Its my intention for my children to be VERY strong in math and plan to have several mathematical constants in their lifes from the beginning because I’m a horrible math student and have always wanted to find it easy and understandable and I’ve vowed that if I ever have children, I’ll make it one of my missions to instill an understanding, appreciation and enjoyment for math in them.

I want my children spend there early years with arithmetic and beginning algebra, because by the time most kids are starting 1st grade, I want mine ready for algebra so that we can really take our time and enjoy it.

I’m planning to do geometry and fractions through art and play from the time that my children are about 6 or 7 years old, they will know and understand what is happening.