Will it be too late to start my 4 year old on Little Math now?

I just purchase LR and LM a month ago for my 7 months old son, and was thinking to get my 4 years old daughter (she was in LR when 6 months old, the result is amazing) to start on the LM program together.but I was worried dots method is not the best way to teach a 4 year old kid. should Igo ahead and let her try on LM 1st? or get her engage on other way of learning math ?

I used LM with my 4 year old boy. He did benefit from it. He didn’t much like it. We gave it up after about 45 days.
What he did get from it though was a more solid idea of what numbers are. He is now much clearer about how much bigger 10 is to 2 and can visualize a pile of 20 as compared to a pile of 5. It was worth it.
We stopped as he didn’t want to do it, we now use rightstart math which he LOVES and he is learning very quickly from it.
So I would suggest you include your daughter in the beginning, let her be your guide as to when to stop and also start her on something else with a bit more content. She isn’t going to learn subtilizing at age 4, but sh emay just get a better understanding of quantity from it.
Rad through the other math threads for ideas. Marshmellow math book is a great place to begin, and cheap :slight_smile: