Why Teach Children So Young?

Why Teach Children So Young?

Ten reasons why it is never too early to start teaching your preschooler

   1. It's fun. Play is how a child learns so make playtime rich with learning activities.   The creative parents will have just as much fun as the children.

   2. It's easy. A walk in the park, digging in the sandbox, pulling out the crayons and paper - learning happens naturally, every day.

   3. Bonding.  What better way to bond than to share a favorite picture book with the baby in your arms without distractions.

   4. Children learn quickly. You've heard the saying "minds like sponges."

   5. Learning brings understanding and order to what may seem like a chaotic world. 

   6. Boost to child's self-esteem! "I can do it by myself!"

   7. School preparedness. Even if the child has not started to read by kindergarten, laying the groundwork early will provide all the tools they need for a successful start to school.

   8. Smooth Sailing. Early learning leads to stress-free kindergarten and first grade for parents and child...(and teacher).

   9. Important years. There is more and more evidence that the first three years are very important in laying the groundwork for future success in life.

  10. Independence. Learning promotes independence in play and regular daily activities. 

found on web!

That is great and so is the one for teaching toddlers. Thanks for posting!

I have been put down for teaching my child too early, but he seems to be ahead then some of the children who haven’t been taught at his age… i am a homeschooling mom and i have been told not to teach my child so young. Even playing with a toy can be learning. Thanks for posting.

I think the “don’t teach your child when young” idea is based on the assumption that it’s not enjoyable for the child. If your child likes the process and it’s joyful, what can be so wrong with learning?