Why my 5 month old baby does not talk much nowadays

Hi everyone,
Im quite worried with my baby because nowadays, I observed that she seems not so interested in playing and not as active as before. She started being so active and loudly baby talking when she was 2 ½ month old until 4 ½ months… 2 weeks ago, my mom told me that my baby seems so quite and only murmur few baby talks when I reach home at night and I personally observed that too! Even how hard I try, she doesn’t respond as much as before she did… is there something wrong with her? Tho she still laugh and talk but very very few times…she’s also well in sense that se doesn’t have any fever…is there something wrong also with the way we play , talk or teach her? It is everyday that we play with her and show her flashcard, I read books also everynight and she seems interested by grabbing it and cried when I get it from her…but unlike last few months she happily baby talk! And now is not!.. please advise,is it something wrong with her everyday activity? I need ur opinion on how I can regain back my baby’s activeness… thanks and regards… Janeth

Don’t worry, if she is healthy, still alert and responds to your voice and plays with you, she is fine. They go through stages, it might change a few times :slight_smile: Try to have a lot of visual stimuli (different things for her to watch), music throughout the day,not just teaching time or evening.
Was she inoculated just before it happened? If so, maybe she needs a check up.

Sometimes when babies are working on one skill, they forget about another. For example if she is learning to crawl or roll over she may not be as interested in talking.

hi kmum and nikolett, thanks for ur inputs… yap she got her 2nd dose vaccine for DPT, Rotarix ( Rotaravirus ) and Prevenar ( Pnuemococus ) 2 weeks ago… and a month ago she started to roll over and now is starting to crawl…