Why minutes of interval before showing the categories for the 2nd or 3rd time?

Is it ok if after a round with the 3 categories, I will immediately repeat showing my son the same twice? All in all 3x but not waiting for how many minutes or other time of the day for the 2nd and 3rd time of showing the flashcards either in LR or in manual flashing.

I have done this before but still curious if this is ok because I have read that most of the parents
here wait for how many minutes even hours to show the categories for the 2nd time and then for the 3rd time.
I wonder if there’s a rule that tells about the schedule of repetition.

I am currently using Doman methods for teaching my son. There are many discussions which can be found on the forums and books available for you to read.
Basically, you should always stop showing information before your child wishes to stop. Sometimes your child will indicate that they wish to keep going. It is wise to stop and show more later as the child will think of learning as a treat and will look forward to you showing the information again later on (at least 15 minutes).