Why IQ Testing is Important to Your Child

I thought this article was interesting.

Why IQ Testing Is Important To Your Child
by JACK on JUNE 18, 2010

The IQ or intelligence quotient test is one of the more common tests that children and adults take to derive the score that allows them to measure how smart they really are. The score is derived from many tests given to the subject over the course of the tests, and then calculated to measure the persons actual intelligence. The mathematical formula is then based upon a ranking system and derived from normalisation samples to yield a raw score, which can either be the ‘deviance IQ’ or the ‘ratio IQ’. When it comes to your child, the basic and average IQ score of a normal kid would be anywhere in the range of 100, and with an IQ test you can find out whether or not your child is within the normal range, or anywhere below or above.

When you find out the intellectual level of your child, you will be able to take the steps necessary to investigate a low score and act upon a high score. This can be in the form of educational assistance from a counsellor if your child is way below the score and this could be because your child has a developmental disorder that you are not aware of. The thing about the IQ test is that it dabbles, quite unknowingly, as one of the better ways to acutely detect if there are any problems within the developmental value chain within your child. With a low score, you can figure out at an early age whether or not your child has autism or any one of the developmental disorders that can afflict children of a young age.

There are many IQ tests out there and there are even those for those who are at a very young age of 3. The test would consist of a syllabus that is designed on pictorial questions and basic associations, and will last about 30 – 60 minutes. When you start early, learning disorders can be spotted at an early age. However, you must understand that the kids IQ test is more of a general market to a problem within the child’s brain and you need to act upon this to approach a psychologists to ascertain if there is indeed a problem and what that problem is. The presence of any sort of learning disorder will start long before anyone can be aware of it, but the first few signals that there is one there in the first place is when the child has difficulties at school and at tests. So starting early will allow you to ascertain the intelligence and developmental level of your child and compare it with normal trends all over the world. There are also tests for kids of all ages, 4, 6, 8 and onwards and there is of course a standardised adult test as well. Once you have that score, you will be able to take the steps necessary to save your child from suffering in silence and do something about their learning disability.

IQ test means Intelligence Quotient,with the help of IQ tests intelligence test you can measure your ability of your work in any field, if you get high IQ level in IQ intelligence test that means there is chances of highly complex jobs.

ok. i understand the author’s point of view… but :wacko:

As i have mentioned in an earlier post/thread about IQ tests to get into kindergarten (we have them in some schools here in LA and in NYC they have IQ tests for preschoolers!). Parents must be VERY cautious about 2 things:

  1. you must be VERY comfortable with the person giving the test. do some checking around about various people who give the test to young children. they way it is administered could make the difference between a high score and a low score.
  2. make sure when you take the test that your child’s results are not going to be kept, given to schools, etc. usually, a standardized IQ test is like any other kind of test. every time you take it, the score is kept and averaged into the next score you make… just like taking the SAT. there is no such thing as a practice test! in LA, if you choose to take an IQ test to get into certain schools, those scores follow the student around until 8th grade! and if they got up on the wrong side of bed, or they didn’t like the person giving the test, or the person giving the test got into a fight with their boss right before they give your child the test… whatever happens… and you get a score you don’t think is correct or you’re not happy with… TOO BAD! it’s just like taking the LSAT, LAT, GRE, whatever… it is how you perform on that day.

with that being said, with so much riding on the outcome of an IQ test, i would wait as long as possible before taking it.
i know i’m going to wait as long as i can before i submit my DD to this… or at least until we’ve completed LR and LM and the rest of it!! lol
just my 2¢
take care,
the doc :clown: