My baby get hiccups very quickly. i think that occur every one. but if it happen to baby difficult to get rid of it.
Hiccups are paroxysmal, involuntary contractions of the diaphragm that occur along with contractions of the larynx and closure of the glottis, arresting the inflow of air. Hiccups are commonly induced by minor stomach upsets. Occasionally, hiccups may be ascribed to psychogenic causes originating in the mind. Mild cases of hiccups usually disappear without treatment.
Wesley use to get them so often it was nuts. I use to give him a shot of gripe water and poof they were gone. Even now he’s five and if you make him laugh too hard(way to easy to do) he gets them.
Unless it is specifically an alcohol-free gripe water they do contain approximately 4% alcohol by volume. It’s like giving babies a teaspoon of weak beer but the herbs found in gripe water are wonderful, and if you can get an alcohol-free one it would help.
But my doctor said never to worry about hiccoughs. they’re seriously scary looking sometimes (Zed’s whole torso would deform and it looked like his ribs were bending inwards) , but they bother you more than your baby.
Cut a thin slice of lemon and let baby suck on it for less than a min. and the hiccups will stop. It should work the fist time, if it deosn’t, repeat it.
My son used to hiccup a lot and sometimes it was because his diaper was full and his bottom felt cold. When I changed his diaper, it stopped.
thanks for your advice Raising Ethan
is it good to use lemon with babies. he is only 3 months yet.
i didn't keep him with wet diaper even because of rashes
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I wouldn’t see why a lemon wouldn’t be healthy? It’s rich in Vit. C. and good for your throat. It usually will only take a few sec. to suck on or lick & the hiccups instantly go away. It’s funny how efficent it works.
To avoid hiccups as much as possible, we should always let the baby burp after eating or after breastfeeding/bottle feeding. And if the hiccup is there, let the baby drink water.