Why did you choose for or against vaccinating your child(ren)?

I’m not trying to start a debate or anything. Our little guy is going to be one soon, and I am getting really nervous about the MMR vaccination. Originally I had decided not to get him vaccinated at all, but our doctor convinced us it would be best. Now I am questioning if we made the right decision.

I have done some research online, and did a search on the forum of past discussions on vaccinations, but haven’t had time to read all of them. We are in Canada, so I am not actually sure what the laws, etc are here, as I haven’t had time to look into that.

I guess really I am just wondering what the deciding factor was for other parents out there as to whether or not they had their children vaccinated.

Vaccine Scene 2000 - Review and Update
Posted by: Dr. Mercola
March 05 2000 | 2,138 views

Harold E. Buttram, MD

Science must begin with myths, and with the criticism of myths. Philosophy of Science: A Personal Report," in C. A. Mace (ed.), British Philosophy in the Mid-Century. Sir Karl Popper

In early August of last year congressional hearings were held in Washington D.C. on the question of vaccine safety. Congressman Dan Burton, Chairman of the U. S. House Government Reform Committee, called the hearings.

On the weekend of October 2-3, 1999, an autism conference was held at Cherry Hill, New Jersey, sponsored by the Autism Research Institute of San Diego, California. Over 1,000 people were in attendance, the great majority of whom were parents of autistic children.

At one point in the meeting, when those parents who thought their child’s autism was caused by vaccines were asked to stand, a large majority of the audience stood. With these and other indications of growing public concerns about current childhood immunization programs, it is hoped that this review will be of timely interest.

Inadequate Proof of Benefit of Vaccines

It is true that there may be situations where extreme measures may be justified, as the lesser of two evils, to preserve life and health. The basic question, therefore, is whether the benefits of current childhood vaccines outweigh the harm, or whether the reverse is true.

As to the benefits of vaccines, polio has been eliminated from the Western Hemisphere, and smallpox may have been eliminated worldwide, although there are disturbing reports it is still to be found in parts of the Far East. However, vaccine proponents would have us believe that vaccines have been largely responsible for controlling virtually all of the former epidemics of killer diseases in the U.S.

With the exceptions cited above, the facts do not bear this out. According to the records of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, from 1911 to 1935 the four leading causes of childhood deaths from infectious diseases in the U.S. were diphtheria, pertussis (whooping cough), scarlet fever, and measles.

However, by 1945 the combined death rates from these causes had declined by 95 percent, before the implementation of mass immunization programs.(1) By far the greatest factors in this decline were sanitation through public health measures, improved nutrition, better housing with less crowded conditions and the introduction of antibiotics. Also, the virulence of microorganisms tends to become weakened or attenuated with the passage of time and serial passages through human hosts.(2)

Safety Not Proven

It should be pointed out that today’s children receive 22 or more vaccines before school age, whereas today’s senior citizens received only one vaccine in their youth, the smallpox vaccine. Some of these vaccines contain mercury. Although the impact of this potentially toxic metal remains unknown as concerns the vaccines.

With growing public concerns about potential adverse reactions of these heavy burdens of foreign immunologic materials on the immature immune systems of children, it is reasonable to ask ourselves what is known about these reactions.

A small but growing minority of physicians and scientists are becoming aware that safety testing for the various vaccines has been woefully inadequate. As one of many examples, a 1994 special committee of the National Academy of Sciences published a comprehensive review of the safety of the hepatitis B vaccine.

When the committee, which carried the responsibility for determining the safety of vaccines by congressional mandate, investigated five possible and plausible adverse effects, they were unable to come to a conclusion for four of them because they found that relevant research had not been done.(3)

The clear implication of this and other revelations(4) concerning a general deficiency of safety testing in the vaccine field, especially as concerns possible long-term side effects, is that adverse reactions may be taking place on a large scale without being recognized as to their true nature.

There is a school of thought that the so-called minor childhood illnesses of former times, including measles, mumps, rubella [German measles] and chickenpox, which entered the body through the mucous membranes, served a necessary and positive purpose in challenging and strengthening the immune system of these membranes.(5)

In contrast, so the theory goes, the respective vaccines of these diseases are injected by needle directly into the system of the child, thereby bypassing the mucosal immune system. As a result, mucosal immunity remains relatively weak and stunted in many children, complications of which may be the rapid increase in asthma and eczema now being seen, both in terms of frequency and severity.(6)

This concept tends to be confirmed by four controlled studies, widely separated geographically, in which vaccinated children were found to have significantly more atopic disorders than controls.(7-10) In commenting on the increased incidence of asthma and other atopic disorders in the United Kingdom in the article, “Measles and atopy in Guinea-Bissau,” cited above, the authors made the following comment:

The rise of allergic disease among children in the UK over the past 30 years remains unexplained. One hypothesis is that infections in early childhood prevent allergic sensitization, and that successive generations of children have lost his protection as their exposure to infectious disease in early life has declined. Consequently the prevalence of atopy and concomitant allergic disease has risen.

Threat of Brain Damage From the Vaccines

Perhaps the greatest concern with vaccines today rests with their possible causal relation to the growing epidemic of childhood autism, developmental delay, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Regarding the latter, recent news item stated that ADHD has increased from 900,000 in 1991 to nearly 5 million today.(11) Parenthetically, statistics may be open to question, but one cannot question the observations of veteran elementary school teachers who, in our experience, unanimously and emphatically report a marked increase in this disorder in recent years.

Regarding autism, a recent survey mandated by the California state legislature found an increase of 273 percent in California in the past eleven years.(12) Reports from education departments of several states and reports to the U.S. Congress on the rapidly increasing needs of classrooms for developmentally delayed children reflect comparable changes throughout the nation.(13)

At present primary suspicion for this epidemic of neurobehavioral disorders rests with the MMR (measles-mumps-rubella) vaccine. Although scientific evidence has not yet reached the standards of scientific proof, one pioneer researcher in this area, Dr. Vijendra Singh, during his tenure with the Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan, published the report of a study in which he found that a large majority (84%) of autistic children tested had antibodies to brain tissue in the form of antibodies to myelin basic protein.

He also found a strong correlation between myelin basic protein antibodies and antibodies to the MMR vaccine. Using an immunoblotting technique, MMR antibody was found in 16 out of 27 (59%) autistic sera in contrast to 2 out of 20 (10%) normal sera, which represents a 6-fold higher incidence of MMR antibody in autistic children.(14)*

Working from another approach, Dr. Andrew Wakefield and coworkers of the Royal Free Hospital in London found a possible link between MMR vaccine, Crohn’s disease of the bowel, and autism.(16)

If the MMR vaccine is causing an autoimmune reaction involving the brains of autistic children, what would be the mechanism? It has already been pointed out that one of the differences between the vaccine and the respective wild virus infections is that of entry into the body (injections versus mucosal entry).

There is another difference: whereas with the wild viruses there is serial passage through human hosts, in the case of the vaccine, the measles virus is incubated in animal culture tissue (chick embryo). Are these fundamental differences responsible for the rapidly increasing incidence of childhood autism and possibly other autoimmune disorders now being seen?

Although research in this area is in its infancy, we do know some things. As purely genetic material, viruses are highly susceptible to the process of “jumping genes,” in which they may incorporate genetic material from tissue in which they are cultured.(17) The process may be further affected by the fact that protein sequences in the measles virus have been found to be similar to those found in brain tissues.(18) With the exception of the pioneering work of Dr. Singh, these are questions which remain unexplored and unanswered.

Stealth Virus

A similar process may have taken place with the oral (Sabin) polio vaccine, which is cultured in monkey kidney tissue. Years ago, Dr. John Martin, then serving as director of the viral oncology branch within the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, found foreign DNA in contemporary polio vaccines. He later learned that a simian (monkey) cytomegalic virus had been found in all of the eleven African green monkeys imported for production of the polio vaccine.(19)

After leaving the FDA, Dr. Martin took a position as professor of pathology with the University of Southern California. There he tested blood samples from patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, autism and other nervous system disorders.

This work led to his discovery of unique cell-destroying viruses that were not recognized by the immune system. Termed “stealth viruses,” some of which he thought had clearly originated from the simian cytomegalic virus, these viruses were missing specific genes, which, if expressed, would induce immune responses from the host.(20,21)

It should be admitted that this work is preliminary, and no definitive conclusions can be drawn from it, but the need for further intensive investigation should be apparent.

Overdue in the opinion of many, on June 17, 1999, U.S. government officials voted to withdraw their recommendation for the use of the live oral polio vaccine and to recommend exclusive use of the inactive (Salk) polio vaccine, because the former has been the only remaining source of polio cases, though rare, in the U.S. since 1979.

In summary, it is possible that either the MMR or the oral polio vaccines, by mechanisms described above, may induce a process of encephalitis or brain inflammation, which may be highly prevalent but as yet rarely recognized for its true nature.

Genetic Implications of “Live Virus” Vaccines
In an October 1967 letter to the editor of Science magazine, Joshua Lederberg, Department of Genetics, Stanford University School of Medicine, warned about live-virus vaccines: In point of fact, we (are practicing) biological engineering on a rather large scale by use of live viruses in mass immunization campaigns…Crude virus preparations, such as some in common use at the present time, are also vulnerable to frightful mishaps of contamination and misidentification.(22)

With this sobering warning, made over 3 decades ago, it may sadly prove to be prophetic for what we are seeing today.

Damage May Yet Escalate

As another concept, it is highly pertinent that many of today’s children are second-generation vaccines; that is, they are born to mothers previously vaccinated with the measles, mumps, and/or rubella vaccines.

It is possible the reaction rates in the second-generation vaccines may be happening on a much larger scale due to previous sensitization of mothers from their vaccines, this sensitization being transmitted in turn to the fetus during pregnancy.(23) If this process is taking place, something we cannot know until appropriate research is done, there predictably will be additional increases in autism beyond that already taking place, should the process be continued into yet another third generation.

Time may prove that vaccine programs went awry when they deviated from the most basic of all medical ethics, the right of parents to accept or reject vaccines for their children. Freedom of choice provides a system of checks and balances now lacking.

At the very least, this would provide the parents the power to compel better safety screening of vaccines. The remedy? The government should stop violating the right of informed consent, or the parents’ right to accept or reject vaccines for their children based on full and uncensored disclosure of pros and cons.

Today, we have a system in which vaccine production by the pharmaceutical companies is largely self-regulated. Naturally these companies are interested in profits from their products which, in itself, is not wrong. However, when arbitrary decisions in the mandating of vaccines are made by government bureaucracies, which frequently work hand-in-glove with the pharmaceutical industry, with no recourse open to parents, we have all the potential ingredients for a tragedy of historic proportions.


In closing, it may be appropriate to cite an item which, though seemingly small in itself, may be indicative of the problems with which we are faced. In January 1993, a scientific journal published the results of a study of 89 children with adverse clinical reactions, following administrations of various combinations of vaccines.(24)

Detailed case histories were taken and blood tests were done to examine various parameters of cellular and humoral immunity. It was found that children with adverse reactions had marked increases in abnormal blood parameters as compared with children who had had no reactions.

The first study of its kind as far as we are aware, perhaps the most striking and significant feature of the report is not the results of the tests, which might have been anticipated, so much as the fact that it came from a foreign country, Czechoslovakia.

American science has been foremost in the development and promotion of vaccines. That it should be laggard in basic safety testing, of which this study may represent one of the modest beginnings, is a sad reflection on the American scientific community. We expect and should demand more from American science and medicine.

Footnote *

This does not detract from the fact that these diseases, such as measles, may have complications resulting in brain injury. Measles can precipitate subacute sclerosing panencephalitis and encephalomyelitis. The latter illness may follow not only measles, but rubella, varicella, mumps, influenza, and other childhood diseases, just as smallpox and rabies vaccinations may be complicated by postvaccinal encephalomyelitis. In these cases, the vaccine itself could cause similar sequelae through molecular mimicking.(15)


That is a very informative post GloriaD! I myself have opted to have minimal vaccine for my DD. We planned to skip the chicken pox vaccine and coincidentally, DD has chicken-pox at 10mos old (too early for the vaccine). Sure, it was several days of discomfort and some scars might never go away but we believe it’s better for her to have it so she can develop a naturally strong immune system.

We also skipped on the Flu vaccine and the Rotavirus vaccine. Studies show significant cases of intussusception and I think it’s just a matter of time before it will be banned from the market like the former Rotavirus Vac.

After extensive research and alot of praying we chose to not vaccinate at all.

I chose to immunise my child. we have had a big whopping cough outbreak here with at least 15000 cases reported and 1 death, and why that is not a huge statistic I think 1 death from a preventable disease is one too many.

Also another thing every countries vaccination schedule is different. The USA has the most childhood vaccinations and are immunised against many more things then children in Australia and Canada. Something to think about.

I think it is very important to research the facts not just go online where a lot of stuff is just scaremongering. Look at other countries immunisation schedules and see if Autism rates are climbing there.

FOr me personally I couldn’t live with myself if my child got one of those diseases died or was permanently injured and I knew I could have prevented it.

That’s just me.

I decided not to vaccinate my children. Unfortunately, my son had a tetanus shot (after an accident with a key entering his eye socket) at 18 months and the day after his shot “he went silent.” Complete speech regression. He went from speaking 3 words at a time (e.g. “look at that”) to silence. It took him 6 months for him to relearn how to say “Mama.” I have no doubt the tetanus shot was a huge factor in what happened. I have not vaccinated my 9 month old daughter at all. They both recently contracted pertussis/whooping cough and even though they coughed for 4 weeks, I still prefer that to what the live pertussis vaccination does to an immature brain/body.

One option that doctors will not discuss is having your children’s blood tested for immunity. If breastfed, many children will naturally acquire immunity to many of the diseases.

I respect the decision that parents make when it is an informed decision.

Just to make a point I have found a report that does not link MMR vaccine with Autism. The wonderful thing about the internet is that you can find all sorts of information that will support one claim or another I’m not suggesting that either is right or wrong. What I am saying is I don’t think the internet or this forum is the best place to discuss this speak to people who have the scientific facts not all things on the internet are true and definitely should not be taken as gospel.

Does the MMR Vaccine Cause Autism?

The following is edited for length and re-printed from the Centers for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) website with permission, at http://www.cdc.gov/od/science/iso/mmr_autism.htm

Current scientific evidence does not support the hypothesis that MMR vaccine, or any combination of vaccines, causes the development of autism, including regressive forms of autism. Epidemiologic studies have shown no relationship between MMR vaccination in children and development of autism. Taylor et al. (1999) studied 498 children with autism in the UK and found that the age at which they were diagnosed was the same regardless of whether they received the MMR vaccine before or after 18 months of age or whether they were never vaccinated. Importantly, no clustering of developmental regression was found after vaccination. Also, there was no “step up” in cases of autism or change in the trend line after introduction of MMR vaccine. Gillberg and Heijbel (1998) compared the prevalence of autism in children born in Sweden from 1975-1984. There was no difference in the prevalence of autism among children born before the introduction and after the introduction of the MMR vaccine. A recent study (Kaye et al., 2001) assessed the relationship between the risk of autism among children in the UK and MMR vaccine. Among a subgroup of boys aged 2-5 years, the risk of autism increased almost 4 fold from 1988 to 1993, while MMR vaccination coverage remained constant at approximately 95% over these same years. Similarly, among children born in 1980 to 1994 and enrolled in California kindergartens, there was a 373% relative increase in autism cases, though the relative increase in MMR vaccine coverage by the age of 24 months was only 14% (Dales et al., 2001). These data do not support a causal relationship between MMR vaccination and risk of autism. In 1999, the British Committee on Safety of Medicines convened a “Working Party on MMR Vaccine” to conduct a systematic review of reports of autism, gastrointestinal disease, and similar disorders after receipt of MMR or measles/rubella vaccine. It was concluded that the available information did not support the posited associations between MMR and autism and other disorders. In addition, in 1997, the National Childhood Encephalopathy Study (NCES) was examined to see if there was any link between measles vaccine and neurological events. The researchers found no indication that measles vaccine contributes to the development of long-term neurological damage, including educational and behavioral deficits (Miller et al., 1997).
What about other studies that suggest there might be a connection between autism and MMR vaccine?

Current scientific evidence does not support the hypothesis put forth by Wakefield and colleagues (1998) that the MMR vaccine causes the development of autism, including regressive forms of autism.Wakefield et al. (1998) reviewed reports of 12 children with bowel disease and regressive developmental disorders, mostly autism. In 9 of the cases, the child’s parents or pediatrician speculated that the MMR vaccine had contributed to the behavioral problems of the children in the study. This was the only evidence suggesting a possible link with vaccination. An expert committee from the UK Medical Research Council (MRC) reviewed this study. The Council concluded there is no evidence to link the MMR vaccine with autism. On April 3, 2000 the MRC issued a new report confirming its earlier conclusion; MMR has not been linked with inflammatory bowel disease or autism. A copy of this report can be found at the MRC web site, http://www.mrc.ac.uk
What about the claim that the numbers of children with autism have been increasing ever since the MMR vaccine has been in use?

The data from California (Department. of Developmental Services, 1999) used to illustrate an increase in cases of autism were presented inaccurately (Fombonne, 2001). Fombonne (2001) lists several reasons why the data are misrepresented, for instance: 1) the figures presented are based on numbers, not rates, and do not account for population growth and changes in the composition of the population, 2) changes in diagnostic definitions were not controlled in the report, and 3) as in other areas of the country, children with autism are currently being diagnosed at earlier ages meaning that there will be an increase in the number of reported cases.
Should a younger sibling of an autistic child, or a child of someone who has autism be vaccinated with MMR or other vaccines?

Yes. Current scientific evidence does not show that MMR vaccine, or any combination of vaccines, causes the development of autism, including regressive forms of autism.A younger sibling or the child of someone who suffered a vaccine side effect usually can, and should, safely receive the same vaccine. This is especially true since the large majority of side effects after vaccination are local reactions and fever, which do not represent a contraindication.
Should we delay vaccination until we know more about the negative effects of vaccines?

No. There is no convincing evidence that vaccines such as MMR cause long term health effects. On the other hand, we do know that people will become ill and some will die from the diseases this vaccine prevents. Discontinuing a vaccine program based on unproven theories would not be in anyone’s best interest. Isolated reports about these vaccines causing long term health problems may sound alarming at first. However, careful review of the science reveals that these reports are isolated and not confirmed by scientifically sound research. Detailed medical reviews of health effects reported after receipt of vaccines have often proven to be unrelated to vaccines, but rather have been related to other health factors. Because these vaccines are recommended widely to protect the health of the public, research on any serious hypotheses about their safety are important to pursue. Several studies are underway to investigate still unproven theories about vaccinations and severe side effects (http://www.cdc.gov/vaccinesafety/concerns/mmr_vaccine.htm).

GloriaD, great information.

We need to remember that there is more information than truth available and that just because a belief is widespread does not mean it is true. In order to avoid distortion, misinterpretation, or abridgement, we should whenever possible investigate original sources of information.

It is also important to consider the source of information and acknowledge our tendency to select slanted or biased newspapers, magazines, and other sources of information to buttress our own beliefs.

This is an interesting article on the MMR scare that resulted from a study of just 12 children. Andrew Wakefield’s research paper is available online-Lancet paper February 1998.


A Danish study published in the New England Journal of Medicine looked at over 530,000 children and found the risk of autism was the same for children who had been vaccinated as those who had not.



That’s right, the best way to get the reliable information is from the source. Internet has a lot of inforamtion , not all of which is reliable. But if you do your research, and open minded and willing to do what is the best for your child, then you are on a good right track.

We personally do not vaccinate, decision we made after a lot of research ( not done on the internet primary). Most of our friends do not vaccinate either. Close friends of our houshold are leading immunologists, that work in research field of vaccinations and immunisations, they do not have their children and grandchildren vaccinated. They are yet to discover safe and effective vaccines and they are yet to test and re-test them… They have their hopes but at present, it is still all in experiemental stage…

There are way too many reasons for that to list in a short forum reply, but simply put, after intensive research, speaking with the scientists who work in the research field and personal experience, we decided that the risks of taking vaccinations route outweigh the benefits; the effectiveness of the vaccines did not satisfy us either, and we would like our children to have strong, naturally developed immunity.

In Canada vaccinating is voluntary. There are no laws saying you must vaccinate, although you may be pressured to do so.

Our youngest dd is not vaccinated at all - older has not had any in over 3 yrs & will not receive any more. We were told K would have low immunity, however she rarely gets sick & has never been hospitalized. We do take other measures to try to boost her immunity though.

After much research we decided not to vaccinate our daughter. There is so much information available that supports both sides. Both my husband and I grew up without any vaccinations, and I had all the childhood diseases when I was a child - I have a few chickenpox scars, but did fine with all of them. It was normal when and where I was a child to let children get them and build their immunity. In the U.S. many things are made into a much bigger deal. The primary reason that we chose not to vaccinate is that in the discussions that link vaccinations to autism or other problems, one of the pervasive themes is that if there is a history of auto-immune disease then there is a much higher chance of having an adverse reaction to a vaccination. Both my husband and I have auto-immune diseases in our family history, so after all our research we have decided to not vaccinate. The only one that I am not sure about is german measels - the only time it is dangerous is to an unborn child. If my daughter is not vaccinated then she will be vulnerable when she is pregnant - a risk that we are still weighing. I would prefer for her to get german measels and not the vaccination now while she is young.


An informative article on Polio Vaccine and recent polio outbreaks, also link between refined sugar consumption and compromise of immunity.

Unfortunately the oral polio vaccine has been causing issues since the beginning, but it is much more effective than the needle to actually protect someone from contracting the disease, assuming the vaccine itself doesn’t give it to them!

I was vaccinated against everything that was offered as a child. I have had the MMR vaccine 3 times (or 4, the 4th time may only have been measles) and when I had my routine pregnancy blood tests, they test for rubella immunity and I don’t have any. The doctors want me to rush out and be vaccinated as soon as the baby is born, but because it’s a live vaccine I could give my son the disease. I am also not immune to a host of other diseases that I was vaccinated against.

Because of how effective my vaccinations were, I don’t think I will be vaccinating my son for anything but the most deadly diseases, and much later than recommended.

Tetanus is one I feel is very important to vaccinate against, particularly considering with the frequency I expose myself to it in klutzy ways. I have in fact stepped on the proverbial rusty nail that everyone worries about when discussing tetanus. My husband is not so coordinated that his genes make up for my clumsy ones. Our son is likely to injure himself repeatedly, and probably severely, in ways that can lead to tetanus infections. But he won’t be doing it at least until he can run around outside. So that vaccination can wait until he’s at least 2 years old (rather than 2 months).

Also my family does travel to areas in which polio has not been eradicated. My son will need to be vaccinated before travelling there. If we did not ever leave Canada, I wouldn’t bother with the polio vaccine. Because I was not protected against polio until I had the oral vaccine (I had the 4 scheduled doses of the needle) we will do a mixed vaccination. 2 or 3 doses of the needle, followed by 1 or 2 of the oral vaccine. Having the needle first minimizes the risk of contracting polio from the oral vaccine. This won’t start until we know when we will travel. Likely his first shot will be at around 18 months (rather than the last shot at that age) so all 4 doses are complete so we can travel with him by the time he is 3.

That’s all we plan on giving him until puberty. If he has not naturally contracted mumps or chicken pox by that time, we will have him vaccinated against those, as they can cause sterility in boys/men. If there is an outbreak, ie with a real risk of contracting (not like the current H1N1 panic) a disease, we will vaccinate against other diseases as well. There has been a measles, a meningitis, and a third that I cannot remember, outbreak in my lifetime. Many people my age and younger became quite ill and a few died in those outbreaks. In such cases vaccination offers more protection than risk.

It’s funny, my sister just had a baby. She is 18 and got all her MMR shots. She said she just got the last one a few years ago (I think you get it for the last time when you are 15), but they said she needed one after she had her baby b/c she had no rubella immunity. What’s the point of getting all the shots then?

It is pretty common though, I had to have an MMR shot about a year before my first pregnancy due to some travelling ( was impossible to get visa without it, how crazy is that?), a year later during my Pregnancy blood work, – no Rubella Immunity.
The immunity, aquired from vaccinations are not “stable” immunity differently from natural immunities they do not last, and they are not created through the natural mechanizm, so they are not that effective…

It is nice to see parents really researching and making decisions based on common sense, evidence and with the good of their children in mind. K2U, Guest.

What sad is to see others to just blindly trying to get their children to get as many vaccinations as possible without basing their decisions on grounded research, and then wondering why their children have fever, delayed develpment or other health problems

I came across this discussion http://forum.brillkids.com/india-b87/vaccines/msg44164/?topicseen and while each parent has a right and responcibility to make decisions for their children’s health. I felt so sad to see these dear folks, not even questioning if it is safe to take polio vaccine every month (!) from a door to door campain or trying to get their their reseach done before they will give their child a vaccination and discover that the child got a fever or recurring skin reaction, which doctor told them “should go away within a year” (!)

My close friend, who works in Nigeria, said that outbreaks of Polio, which happened as a result of a vaccine, were pretty serious…

Anyway, just was thinking about it last few days and could not help but comment.

On the other hand, it is really INSPIRING and encouraging to see lots of other parents doing their research and whichever decisions they made ( depending on their location, situation, research, etc.), I am glad to hear that they made those decision based on lots of research and desire to do the best for their children, not just blindly following what different medical campaigners or doctors promote.

Some interesting information on the anti-vaccination movement from the Skeptic’s Dictionary-

are vaccines effective? do vaccines cause diseases? vaccines and harm do vaccines weaken the immune system?


The Nigeria polio outbreak in the summer of 2003 is discussed under vaccines and harm

According to the Institute of Child Health: It is true that vaccines do not give long lasting protection 100% of the time but then neither do many diseases. For example, you can catch whooping cough, Hib, meningococcal disease and rubella more than once. However, even if a child does catch the disease after they have had the vaccine, the disease is usually milder. By giving the vaccine most children are spared the effects of the disease. Even if immunity from the vaccine wears off, if enough people are immunized, there will be herd immunity and so this should not be a problem. This will protect people who have lost their immunity.


Hi Everyone!!

As a new mom, and nurse, I had no question about immunizing my son. I have heard the arguments on both sides regarding the MMR, and have read research for both as well. A good article which disputes the link between the MMR and autism is http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/8484.php if you’re interested. I have spoken to one of my public health nurse colleagues, and she said to me that there is no proven link between thimerasol and autism, but thimerasol has been removed from the vaccine due to public concerns. She said that autism is usually diagnosed around the time the MMR vaccine is given, which is why people have been concerned that it was the cause.
Honestly, I believe vaccines are a safe and effective way to prevent my child from becoming ill, and that we’re lucky to have such life saving measures avaliable to us. I take chances every day which could cause me harm; I drive; heck, I just get out of bed in the morning!! I recognize that cases of mumps are returning because people are not getting immunized. I heard one doctor speak regarding vaccinations, and he said that our society has no fear of these diseases because we don’t see them; he said he lived in a time where he had friends debilitated and wheelchair bound due to polio and other diseases, so he recognizes how horrific they are.
And as a nurse who has worked in Pediatrics, I’ve seen babies having seizures from meningitis, which could have been prevented with the meningococcal vaccination. I could never look at that, or my own child, having a seizure, and say they were better off not having the vaccinations.
Just my thoughts :slight_smile:


Hi Julie,

Welcome to Brillbaby and thank you for your initial post. I fail to see why someone would give you a negative Karma point and hope that it was a mistake.

Karma :slight_smile:

Just got this article in my News Digest that I receive by mail, though it was interesting and wanted to share…

European Parliament to Investigate WHO and “Pandemic” Scandal
By F. William Engdahl, BLN, 12-31-2009

The Council of Europe member states will launch an inquiry in January 2010 on the influence of the pharmaceutical companies on the global swine flu campaign, focusing especially on extent of the pharma industry’s influence on WHO. The Health Committee of the EU Parliament has unanimously passed a resolution calling for the inquiry. The step is a long-overdue move to public transparency of a “Golden Triangle” of drug corruption between WHO, the pharma industry and academic scientists that has permanently damaged the lives of millions and even caused death.

The parliament motion was introduced by Dr. Wolfgang Wodarg, former SPD Member of the German Bundestag and now Chairman of the European Parliament Health Committee. Wodarg is a medical doctor and epidemiologist, a specialist in lung disease and environmental medicine, who considers the current “pandemic” Swine Flu campaign of the WHO to be “one of the greatest medicine scandals of the Century.”

The text of the resolution just passed by a sufficient number in the Council of Europe Parliament says other tamong hings, "In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards to alarm governments worldwide and make them squander tight health resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly expose millions of healthy people to the risk of an unknown amount of side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines. The “bird-flu”-campaign (2005/06) combined with the “swine-flu”-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some vaccinated patients and to public health-budgets, but to the credibility and accountability of important international health-agencies."

In his official statement to the Committee, Wodarg criticized the influence of the pharma industry on scientists and officials of WHO, stating that it has led to the situation where “unnecessarily millions of healthy people are exposed to the risk of poorly tested vaccines,” and that, for a flu strain that is “vastly less harmful” than all previous flu epidemics. "

It is interesting also, at least from my personal experience, people who really educated in epidemiology, immunology, endocrinology, etc., are the once that are really cautious and at least from my own circle of aquintances they do not vaccinate themselves or their families. But poor nurses, and medical practitioners who are not necessarily know much about scientific research, are the ones who getting and promoting even experimental things with vigor. Of course there is also a goup of the ones involved in pharmaceutical profits, but that is another story…

Well, I am glad that finally it is all getting investigated, and thought it is of interest to share.