Why 5 days in a week?


In doman it is mentioned for reading, math and EK that teach 5 days in a week.
Can we teach our baby 7 days in a week?

Why 5 days in a week he suggested?

Please share your views.


I never noticed that Doman was 5 days a week, I guess 5 days can be taken as a “baseline” minimum or something, I fully intend to do 7 days a week, simply because the stronger more consistent the routine the better for me and baby.
It only takes a few minutes daily, so I see no real reason to NOT do 7 days a week, but I guess it depends on each individual.

But I’m assuming he said 5 days to allow flexibility for the parents schedule…or because that was the common “workweek” of society. I intend to do 7 days a week, even if I homeschool during the primary grade years…

I think it is suggested simply to account for the fact that most people have other things they do at the weekend, especially those who work all week or don’t see their working partner all week. I really doubt there is any harm in doing seven days lol

I suspect that having a suggested program is to make those who need a break feel like they’re not failing, and those who do it all 7 days feel superior :tongue: