Whooping cough outbreaks in California, interesting data

I was reading the newsflashes on the whooping cough outbreak in California last few months and wondering, if there will be some more insight/statistics on that. Here is an interesting article I just came across.

Study: Whooping cough outbreak linked to vaccinated children

By Elliott Freeman

San Rafael - An investigation by California doctors has revealed that the state’s latest outbreak of whooping cough centered around children who had already received the whooping cough vaccine, Reuters reports.

The study, led by infectious disease specialist Dr. David Witt, was initiated after an unusually large number of whooping cough cases were admitted to Kaiser Permanente Hospital in San Rafael, California in 2010.

After examining the records of juvenile whooping cough patients over an 8-month period, the doctors discovered that 81 percent of patients had received the full series of whooping cough shots, and 11 percent had received only some of the shots. The remaining 8 percent had not received any immunizations for whooping cough.

“What was very surprising was the majority of cases were in fully vaccinated children,” Witt said. “That’s what started catching our attention.”
After further analysis, Witt and his team surmised that the effectiveness of the vaccine wears off after several years, creating the need for additional inoculations.

Unfortunately, drug maker Glaxo Smith Kline (GSK), the manufacturer of the whooping cough vaccine, did not bother to perform long-term studies of its effectiveness. A company spokesperson confirmed this disturbing fact in an email to Reuters, stating that GSK never studied the duration of the vaccine’s protection after the shot was given to four- to six-year-olds.

Dr. Tom Clark, a medical epidemiologist with the Center for Disease Control (CDC), also provided a troubling analysis of the situation. “It’s likely if we move doses around we’d shift the burden of disease, but not necessarily reduce it,” he said.

However, these explanations alone do not account for the new epidemic of whooping cough in California. According to the New York Times, vaccination rates have remained steady as cases of whooping cough have skyrocketed in the state.

In addition, other scientific studies have confirmed a link between vaccines and an increased risk of infectious diseases.

In 2009, four separate Canadian studies (http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2010/04/100406172635.htm) concluded that the seasonal flu shot massively increases the likelihood of contracting the H1N1 flu. According to Science Daily, recipients of the seasonal flu vaccine were up to 250% more likely to be infected by the H1N1 variant than those who did not receive the injection.

Revelations like these should be a reminder to parents to do as much research as possible and weigh the risks and benefits before allowing their children to receive vaccines.

Apparently whooping cough is whizzing around here too. The story the media fed us was that it was a strain resilient to the vaccination. Highly likely I suppose.
I don’t think the stats in the above article can be taken too seriously…it’s as if they are saying that kids who are vaccinated are more likely to get the disease…but the reality is probably that the number of cases in vaccinated and unvaccinated kids is relevant to the general population of vaccinated and unvaccinated kids. What are the vaccinated rates for kids in California?
Still a bit sad that they immunized our kids with us thinking it was a life time immunization only to find out it has a 4-6 year effectiveness! That info alone would have got me thinking!
If the vaccination rates are higher than 11% unvaccinated the entire article is misleading.

Another vaccination that is seeming to not be as effective as initially thought is varicella (chicken pox) vaccine. My son got the chicken pox 3 months after he was vaccinated. And I also know do 2 other toddlers that got it also.

The best thing – is to boost the kids immunity naturally, rather then exposing them to foreign virus strains, in hopes they would protect them from any future problems

I think it is important to note that MANY parents take vaccinations as an ultimate insurance, capable of protecting their children from everything horrible. The flip side of that is carelessness and not enough commitment to give children the best possible nutrition, exercise and living conditions.

Vaccinations aside, if parents would boost their kids immunity through exclusion of artificial colorants, GMO products, sugars and refined processed foods in their diet; give children adequate for their age exercise, plenty of sunshine; eliminate the use of chlorine and other chemicals in their households, then children’s bodie’s would be equipped way better to deal with possible exposure to whooping cough, chicken pox, flue, common cold and the list goes on…

It goes to say that if someone does not vaccinate and not on the ball with boosting their child’s immunity and living right, that would mean that their child would be more susceptible to disease as well. It is the life-style that really matters. And it can mean night and day in child’s response to the disease.