Who used YBCR then LR?

I want to know if people found it best to skip a few day here and there in LR if they felt their child were showing signs that they were confident with certain words.
I started my daughter at 3months with YBCR, at 11 months I started to looking for the next step. I started with Little Reader and my daughter loves it. We still use both and I have started to skip a few days here and there in LR when the words are the same as YBCR to stop her getting bored and keep her challenged. Do others do this aswell or do people just stick to the order?

Your situation sounds very similar to ours! We used YBCR and Alex was already reading very well when we stumbled across LR and BrillKids- we ended up skipping to day 20 to where the pattern phonics begin, then adding in our own words and pictures to give her more of a challenge and to personalize it. Even if she already knew a particular word I was amazed at the little details she picked up. Plus, you can make the overall lesson as advanced as you want by adding materials from the downloads section.
Alex is now 2.6, and is reading exceptionally well-it is hard to challenge her, but she would throw a fit if she didn’t get a LR lesson lol So many possibilities!

I bought something today that might be useful to you! If you have an IPad, take a look at the Hairy Maclary book/apps by Kiwa Media! Alex loves Lynley Dodd books, and huge bonus! In the settings you can add in a Sign Language interpreter in the lower right corner! It is not ASL and as the author and voice are NZ, it might be perfect for you doing non ASL signing with your cutie! There are other books done by them as well, including the Milly, Molly…books.

We didn’t do ALOT of YBCR but my son showed signs of impending boredom with the beginning words. In hindsight I can see he knew them plus they just wernt that interesting to him. We opted to plug on but only show each lesson once ( we don’t do the second part of each day). Had I been more intuitive and thoughtful I would also have skipped strait to lesson 20 and start from there also.
Now we don’t always do the lessons in order but skip around a bit, if he shows a lack of interest, I skip 5 days ahead and then back track the next day. That way he sees new words regularly, rather than a week of similar words in rotation. I also add in lessons from the share file section that are about topics he is interested in or that are completely new to him. This works brilliantly for him.
I have just started making files of words of his choice too. This has been a hit. I ask him what words he wants to learn, any words you want, I say. He loves this idea, but does give me some strange words at times! Lol it is doing wonders for his vocabulary though. Today I added " lanyard" and " muscle" among others.

Thanks kerileanne99 for the app idea, I have downloaded it and will show it to my daughter tomorrow. I was excited to see it was using AUSLAN sign language.

Thanks mandabplus3, I like the idea of skipping around a bit more and I love that you kid is telling you what they want to learn, I can’t wait for that. How much detail do you go into with your 4yr old when he asks about muscles for example. Do you find photos off the Internet and label the different muscles or even more detail?

when my kids ask me a question or show an interest in something, i always try to firstly answer their query until they are satisfied with my answer and then add in one more piece of information. If they are then further interested they will ask more questions and i can teach them more :biggrin: So the trick is to make sure that the one extra piece of information you give them is interesting enough that they want to learn more…or boring enough so that you can finish the washing instead of have a 40 minute conversation on muscles! lol
In this instance I added an LR slide with the word muscle, then a picture of a rather buff looking fellow ( hey I may as well enjoy our LR sessions too right? :tongue: ) a picture of a muscular system, a close up shot of a muscle and 3 verbal comments recorded also “your biggest muscle is you gluteus maximus-your bottom!” (bound to be considered interesting!) “you have over 640 muscles in your body” and “muscles help you move your body parts” I rekon this is probably all he will want to know. It took me no time at all, quick google search under “muscle facts”
If he shows more intererst I will make a whole catorgory LR file on muscles or read him a book on it. (of which we have many :smiley: )

Oh I should add I am not always this organised :wacko: For lanyard all he got was a word and two pictures lol

You are so funny, Mandab. Your posts make me laugh. lol

Why? I was being serious! :tongue: lol lol lol